Agent Authorisation API

An API allowing MTD-enabled Agents to request authorisation to a service for a client, instead of filling the 64-8 paper form.


Agents often use software to perform services for their clients. The API will benefit these agents since it will allow them to be able to request the invitation link to authorise an agent for a service directly through software. This will save an agent time since currently an agent must separately log into Agent Services to request this link. This also aligns with the API first strategy for Agent Services.

API docs

Refer to RAML documentation for further details on each API.

Table of Contents

Supported Regimes / Services

This supports MTD-enabled Agent and Client authorisation processes for the following tax services for agents:

Tax service Service Id
Report income or expenses through software HMRC-MTD-IT
Report VAT returns through software HMRC-MTD-VAT

Invitation Status

Invitations can have one of the following status:

Invitation Status Description
Pending Default status when an invitation has been created
Accepted Allows Agent to be authorised to act on behalf of a client
Rejected Prevents Agent being authorised to act on a client's behalf
Expired Client did not respond to the Agent's Invitation within 10 days
Cancelled Agent cancels the invitation they sent out, preventing a client from responding

Note: Invitations with "Pending" status is the only editable status.

Agent APIs

The following APIs require agent authentication.

Any unauthorised access could receive one of the following responses:

Response Description
401 Unauthorised. Not logged In
403 The Agent is not subscribed to Agent Services.
403 The logged in user is not permitted to access invitations for the specified agency.

Create Invitation

Validates the service, clientIdentifier, clientIdentifierType and creates an invitation.

POST  /agencies/:arn/invitations



Example Body of ITSA:

  "service": "HMRC-MTD-IT",
  "clientIdType": "ni",
  "clientId": "AB123456A"

Example Body of VAT:

  "service": "HMRC-MTD-VAT",
  "clientIdType": "vrn",
  "clientId": "101747696"

Example Body of IRV:

  "clientIdType": "ni",
  "clientId": "AE123456C"
Response Description
204 Successfully created invitation. (In Headers) Location → "/agencies/:arn/invitations/:invitationId"
400 Received Valid Json but incorrect data
400 Received Invalid Json
403 Client Registration Not Found
501 Unsupported Service

Note: The link returned from a successful create invitation response is "GET a Specific Agent's Sent Invitation"

GET a Specific Agent's Sent Invitation

Retrieves a specific invitation by its InvitationId

GET   /agencies/:arn/invitations/:invitationId


Response Description
200 Returns an invitation in json
404 The specified invitation was not found.

Example Response: 200 with Body:

   "arn" : "TARN0000001",
   "service" : "HMRC-MTD-VAT",
   "lastUpdated" : "2018-05-04T13:51:35.278Z",
   "created" : "2018-04-16T15:05:54.029Z",
   "clientIdType" : "vrn",
   "clientId" : "101747641",
   "expiryDate" : "2018-04-26",
   "suppliedClientIdType" : "vrn",
   "suppliedClientId" : "101747641",
   "status" : "Expired",
   "clientActionUrl": "",
   "_links" : {
         "self" : {
            "href" : "/agent-authorisation/agencies/TARN0000001/invitations/CS5AK7O8FPC43"


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License