
International NodeBots Day - 7/25/2015

NodeBots Day July 25 2015

NodeBots Day is back for 2015. We'll join together across the world to create and learn.

NodeBots Day is not a hackathon. There will be no prizes other than the satisfaction of making something awesome! There will be very little in the way of talks. We're going to get together, collaborate and hack. The focus of NodeBots Day is on sharing and enjoying each other's company. And JavaScript. Lots of JavaScript.

Follow @nodebotsday for more info.


Want to organize a local NodeBots Day event. You should!

Worldwide Comm

With NodeBots 2013 @dshaw's goal was to help take the community atmosphere of JSConf and translate it into something that would build and strenghthen local communities. In addition to NodeBots SF there are now many NodeBots groups that meet regularly throughout the world.

This year let's take things a step further and connect the local events. If you'd like to help connect everybody, please volunteer.

2015 Locations (TO BE ANNOUNCED)

Latin America

Montevideo, Uruguay

Organizers: @kryz, @pricco, @molivera,
Location: Sophilabs, 2517 Prudencio de Pena, Montevideo, Uruguay
Hours: 10am - 4pm GTM-3
Signup: https://ti.to/sophilabs/nodebots-25th-jul-2015

North America

Ann Arbor, Michigan USA

Organizers SEM.js, GDI Ann Arbor
Location: Menlo Innovations 505 E Liberty St LL500, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Hours: 9am - 5pm
Signup: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/international-nodebots-day-ann-arbor-tickets-17186577516

Dayton, Ohio USA

Organizers Gem City JS, SparkBox
Location: Sparkbox 123 Webster St., Dayton, OH 45402
Hours: 9am - 5pm
Signup: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dayton-nodebots-day-2015-tickets-17326063723


Australia details

Follow @nodebotsau for updates

Brisbane, Australia

Organisers: @annagerber, @garrows
Location: The Edge, State Library of Queensland
Date: Saturday, 25 July
Hours: 12 - 6pm
Signup: Tickets available from $20
Sponsors: Location sponsored by State Library of Queensland - need a food and drink sponsor!

Melbourne, Australia

Organisers: @ajfisher
Location: Advanced Technologies Centre, Swinburne University, Hawthorn.
Date: Saturday, 25 July
Hours: 10 - 5.30pm
Signup: Tickets from $20
Sponsors: Location sponsored by Swinburne University ATC - need a food and drink sponsor!

Sydney, Australia

Organisers: @patcat
Location: NICTA, Technology Park
Date: Saturday, 25 July
Hours: 10 - 5pm
Signup: Tckets from $20
Sponsors: NICTA, we need a food & drink sponsor!

New Zealand details

Follow @nodebots_nz for updates

Wellington, New Zealand

Organisers: @prototypealex
Location: Atomic Office, Level 1, 90 Dixon Street, Wellington
Date: Sunday, 26th July
Hours: 10 - 5pm
Signup: Tickets $15 - discounts available
Sponsors: Xero, TradeMe, Atomic, Media Suite, Hoist


London, UK

Organiser: @achingbrain , @olizilla
Location: GoCardless
Date: Saturday, 25 July
Hours: 10:30 - 5pm
Signup: Coming SOON!
Sponsors: Gratefully accepted!

Mont-de-Marsan, France

Organiser: @Couby40 , @deadbird99
Location: La Fabrik
Date: Saturday, 25 July
Hours: 9am - 9pm
Signup: Coming SOON!
Sponsors: Location sponsored by Le Marsan Agglomération, animation by Fabriques Alternatives FabLab, more welcome :-).

Paris, France

Organiser: @gorhgorh , dcremonini
Location: cité des sciences et de l'industrie
Date: Saturday, 25 July
Hours: 11 - 6pm
Signup: Coming SOON!
Sponsors: carrefour numérique


If you're interested in contributing to this event, please consider hosting a space, contributing hardware to hack on, and/or providing drinks, snacks and food.


  • Website: http://nodebotsday.com currently points back here. If you'd like to contribute to the website or add anything, please fork this repo and contribute.

  • Organizer's Hangouts. These were immensely helpful last year. We'll start a regular cadence. Be sure to watch this repo and join the mailing list to be notified of times. We'll start on Sunday, may