Blog Application with Django

It is a blog application made by using django, react and postgreSQL stack. Some features of the app are:

  • Test first approach.
  • Tests for CustomUser account and blog views.
  • JWT authentication with email as username.
  • Authorization: Only users who created the blog can modify/delete it.
  • Every user can view all blogs.
  • CRUD operations on blog.
  • Slug based url for SEO optimization.
  • React UI with tailwindCSS for optimized performance.
  • Mobile responsive.

Project Gallery

Steps involved in setting up the project

  1. Clone project locally.
  2. Setup database(postgreSQL).
  3. Setup backend(Django backend).
  4. Setup Frontend(React App)

API Documentation

Clone project locally

  1. $ git clone <link-to-this-repository>

Setting up Database

Below are steps to setup databse using shell. You can perform similar actions using GUI tools by noting down the credentials below.

  1. Open postgres shell:
    $ sudo su - postgres

  2. Login to your default postgres account:

    # psql -U postgres -W
    (If you wish to create new user account, you'll need to provide privileges of database to this user and supply these credentials in the file.)

  3. Create database:

  4. Exit psql shell:

Setting up Backend Server

  1. Navigate to the backend folder.
  2. Create a virtual environment.
    $ python -m venv .venv
  3. Activate virtual environment.
    On Linux/Mac: $ source .venv/bin/activate
  4. Install required dependencies.
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run migrations to your database.
    $ python migrate
  6. Run tests (Optional).
    $ python test
  7. Run server.
    $ python runserver

Setting up Frontend Server

  1. Navigate to frontend/ folder.
  2. Install dependencies.
    $ npm i
  3. Run server.
    $ npm run dev