GitHub Notifier

A toy application that waits in the background and asks GitHub for any notifications for the current user.



oauth-token needs to be provided. Recommend a GitHub Personal Access Token – link to page.

command is how we’ll notify you. Recommend a little shell script – it’ll get the following environment variables:

  • NOTIFICATION_ID - the ID of the notification, per GitHub
  • NOTIFICATION_ID - the ID of the notification, per GitHub
  • NOTIFICATION_ID - the ID of the notification, per GitHub
  • NOTIFICATION_ID - the ID of the notification, per GitHub
  • NOTIFICATION_ID - the ID of the notification, per GitHub
  • NOTIFICATION_ID - the ID of the notification, per GitHub

unread_only is whether we notify only for unreads. By default, this is false.


  • Environment variables: GH_NOTIFIER_*
  • File, in JSON format: ~/.config/gh-notifier.json
  • Git config, under the github key