
React application built to collaborate on projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tecnologies: MongoDB,Express.js,React, Redux, Node.js, Webpack, Babel, Passport, Socket.io, Sass, paper.js, Bootstrap and JWT.

Quick and simple React application built to collaborate on projects with former classmates, Socket.io was used for the chat feature and the 'Virtual' whiteboard


  • Passport allows Users to successfully login and register.
  • Redux-Form used for form validation and management.
  • Redux used to manage state for messages.
  • Socket.io used for the Chat feature and creating the socket generated drawing area.
  • Webpack used for development with the dev-server and used for building the production "minified" application.
  • Mongo used to store user data.
  • Paper.js used to manipulate the HTML5 canvas.

###Thing I would like to add in the future:###

  • Dashboard displaying multiple rooms that users can choose to enter.
  • Profile page
  • Friends list
  • Adding all of the user produced data for drawing into state while logged in, so drawings persist through refresh like the messages.

###Screen Shots Below:###

alt tag

alt tag

alt tag