
An extremely minimal DOM element class manipulator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

dom-class Build Status

An extremely minimal DOM element class manipulator, with a simple but featured API. dom-class is under 150bytes when compiled with Uglify2 and gzipped, and has a full unit test suite that passes in all popular browsers (and some not so popular browsers including IE6+).

This library is made to be as small as possible so it can be inlined into the head of your HTML. This means it can be used to bootstrap your application based on predefined classes, set up basic styles for specific environments, and add classes based on basic feature tests – all before your more fully featured HTML manipulation library (e.g. jQuery) loads.

Quick Start

Three options are available for getting the source:


  1. Configure your loader with a package:

    packages: [
    	{ name: 'dom-class', location: 'path/to/dom-class/', main: 'class' },
    	// ... other packages ...
  2. define( [ 'dom-class', ... ], function( domClass, ... ) { ... } ); or require( [ 'dom-class', ... ], function( domClass, ... ) { ... } );

Script Tag

  1. <script src="path/to/dom-class/class.js"></script>
  2. dom-class will be available as window.domClass


var el_class = domClass( document.documentElement ); // Manipulate the `html` tag

el_class.add( 'no-cookie' ).add( 'loading' )
	.remove( 'no-js' );

el_class.has( 'cookie' ); // returns false - Boolean

el_class.get(); // returns 'no-cookie loading' - String


AMD environment:
define( [ 'dom-class' ], function( domClass ) {
	var el_class = domClass( domElement );
} );
Browser global:
var el_class = window.domClass( domElement );


Adds the specified class from the HTML element if it is not already there. This method is chainable.

el_class.add( 'class-to-add' );

el_class.add( 'class-to-add-1' )
	.add( 'class-to-add-2' )
	.add( 'class-to-add-3' );


Removes the specified class from the HTML element if it exists. This method is chainable.

el_class.remove( 'class-to-remove' );

el_class.remove( 'class-to-remove-1' )
	.remove( 'class-to-remove-2' )
	.remove( 'class-to-remove-3' );


Check whether an HTML element has a specific class, returns true or false.

var boolean = el_class.has( 'class-to-check' );


Retrieve the element's className property, returns a space delimited list of the element's current classes.

var class_list = el_class.get();

Common usage

Replace no-js class with js

Detect whether JavaScript is enabled and provide a hook for your CSS – a common technique with the h5bp HTML template.

domClass( document.documentElement )
	.remove( 'no-js' )
	.add( 'js' );

Add loading status with async loader

When asynchronously loading content it may be necessary to define a loading state via css.

var el = domClass( document.documentElement )
	.add( 'loading' );

asyncLoad( 'load/some/file.js', function() {
	el.remove( 'loading' );

	// Initialize application
} );


Running the unit tests

  1. npm install - Install all required dev modules
  2. npm install -g grunt-cli - Install Grunt
  3. grunt test - Lints all files, and then runs the unit tests in a PhantomJS instance

Building the module locally

  1. npm install - Install all required dev modules
  2. npm install -g grunt-cli - Install Grunt
  3. grunt build - Runs all tests, and then then builds the production file