
PErsonal ASsistant

Primary LanguagePython


This is version 2 of the Assessment app. All backend and frontend applications regarding the Assessment app are in this repository.

This repository will eventually include all setup scripts and docs.


Includes three backend applications:

  • /server/private-api
  • /server/public-api
  • /server/testing-api

Also includes two frontend applications

  • /client/testing
  • /client/panel

Private API

This is the backend for the panel used by T4Analytics personnel.

  • Written in FastAPI
  • Currently uses MySQL database

Public API

This is currently an empty project, in idea phase. Our customers may need a panel to manage their customers.

Testing API

This project will be used only by the attendee-testing application.

Testing Client

This is the frontend that will run when an attendee is answering questions.

Panel Client

This will be the frontend for the panel.

Important notes

  • Each project shall have its own login routes. Routes must never be shared even if they have the exact same code.
  • All projects will share the same structures in their group (i.e. backend projects will all be similar).

Server preparation

  • Here is a one-liner to run Private API locally (this is not the optimum way, I (Necmettin) suggest running pm2 locally):

     db_name=t4_assessment db_user=t4 db_password=t4 uvicorn main:app --reload --port 1234
  • Here is the p2m command line you should use to run the server in development mode:

     cd /home/$USER/website/server/private-api
     pm2 start python3 --name asprivserver --env db_server=localhost --env db_name=t4_assessment --env db_user=t4 --env db_password=t4 --watch="." --watch="../shared" --ignore-watch="node_modules" -- /usr/local/bin/uvicorn main:app --port 1234
  • Here is the p2m command line you should use to run the client in development mode:

     cd /home/$USER/website/client/panel
     pm2 start npm --name asprivclient -- run dev
  • Here is the console log command.

    tail -f ~/.pm2/pm2.log ~/.pm2/logs/*.log /tmp/nginx.log

  • Do not forget these:

     apt install htop
     git config --global credential.helper store

Shared folders

  • Since all backend projects are written in FastAPI; helpers, constants and models will be shared in /server/shared.
  • Similarly, all frontend projects will be written using the same technologies, so their shared files should be in /client/shared.


  • Server-side
    • FastAPI (why? incredible development speed)
    • PostgreSQL (why? incredible performance, opensource and free)
  • Client-side
    • Svelte (why? incredible development speed)
    • Sveltestrap (why? smallest css size - materialui is 1800k, sveltestrap is 300k)