
This repository contains a simple implementation of a neural network for binary classification using a single-layer perceptron with the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) activation function. The code is written in C and includes functionality for creating a dataset, generating hot vectors, and implementing various optimization algorithms.


  • Binary classification using a single-layer perceptron
  • Support for multiple optimization algorithms: gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, and Adam optimization
  • Dataset creation and processing functions
  • Tanh activation function for limiting output values between -1 and 1
  • parameters such as epsilon, learninRate and batchSize are set to give maximum accuracy after trying a bunch of possible combinations.


  • clone to your local and make sure that you have A.txt B.txt file prepared properly
  • bash cc ml.c -lm && ./a.out


  • to observe training step by step set DEBUG to 1
  • TYPE shoulde be change to use intended optimisation algorithm
  • TRI can be set to 1 to tokenize data as trigrams