
Custom ESPhome device

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Custom ESPHome component for integrating a FLSUN QQ-S Pro printer with Home Assistant. The printer main board includes a ESP8266 module connected to one of the serial outputs. The stock printer firmware has been replaced with Marlin 2.x. Main usage is printing from the SD card. The stock wifi firmware or ESP3D didn't have a good way to interface with HA. Other printers running Marlin with ESP connected to a mainboard UART should be compatible as well.

This custom component for ESPhome supports the following:

  • Current temperature and setpoint for bed and extruder.

  • Printer status: Idle, Preheat, Cooling, Printing, Filament Runout, Paused, Aborted, Finished Printing, and Halted.

  • HA services to set extruder and bed temperature setpoints.

  • Percent complete, elapsed print time, and estimated remaining time are provided.

    M77 ;Stop print timer
    M75 ;Reset Print timer to remove preheat duration
    M118 P0 Estimated print time {print_time};

    Include M77 then M75 in start gcode to reset the print timer after bed and nozzle are heated. Otherwise time spent during preheat is included when printing from SD card and causes elapsed time to be inaccurate.

    Above start gcode outputs the Cura estimated print time at start of print. If this is included the slicer estimate print time will be used instead of estimated based on elapsed print time and file progress percentage.

For initial installation follow the https://github.com/Foxies-CSTL/Marlin_2.0.x/wiki/5.Firmware-Wifi guide to flash the MksWifi.bin. You will need to build the firmware in ESPHome and rename the bin file to MksWifi.bin. After initial installation, OTA updates via ESPHome work well. Alternatively, module can be removed and flashed externally if you can adapt it properly to a programmer.


  • Evaluate upload file to SD card capability
  • Add support for multiple extruders