Modular Panel Templates

An open source collection of modular synthesizer panel templates for the DIY'er who seeks to create a custom panel.

List of awesome companies already willing to share their panel templates!

About the Template Files

  • The goal is to offer the template files in a consistent and uniform manner.
  • All templates shall have at the very minimum 1 Make_Model_Template.svg file.

Template folders may consist of multiple files such as KiCad project files or other relevant files.


Not all templates have been fitted and tested to their relating module to insure that the drill positions are correct. In order to prevent mishaps, panel template files may have labels appended to the end of the file name:

  • _Tested - The panel template has been tested and fitted to it's relating module and fits correctly.
  • _Fix - The panel has or has not been tested but knowingly needs adjustments and re-testing.
  • _NotTested or no appended label - The panel has not been tested and fitted to it's relating module, but is aligned as accurate as possible.

Template Contributing

  • Before creating a pull request please make sure there is at least an SVG file labeled correctly as shown above.
  • The SVG file must contain vector lines at the exact size of it's relating panel. (Please do not convert your lines to shapes!)
  • Please make sure all drill holes and cut outs are sized and positioned accurately!
  • Other vector files and project files are accepted.
  • Thank you for participating and sharing!


Built With

Thank You's

Thank you to all the modular synthesists out there who've chosen to help out by sharing their module panels in order to help this collection grow!

Thank you to all the module makers out there who've chosen to share their awesome designs!

Thank you to the Synthesizers, Yo Discord and all of it's great and helpful members!

Thank you to for creating and maintaining such a helpful tool for the modular synthesist community!