
Simple CDK stack to add an AWS IAM OIDC Identity Provider to an AWS account

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GitHub OIDC Provider

Adds the GitHub OIDC provider to your AWS account.


This stack only needs to be ran once per AWS account. After running this stack will create a CloudFormation export named GitHubOidcProviderArn that may be reference in other stacks when granting the sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity action to one or more AWS IAM Roles.

For more detail, see: https://github.com/aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials?tab=readme-ov-file#configuring-iam-to-trust-github


  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests


  • npx cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • npx cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • npx cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template