
Source codes used during the Coursera course titled "Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory"

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory - Course Material


This repository hosts the source codes used during the Coursera course titled "Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory"

Software Requirements

All this codes have been tested using Xilinx SDAccel 2017.2 on a Linux Machine. Software functionality is not guaranteed with different versions of the tools.

Folder Structure

Each folder is organized following the organization of the specialization course in Coursera. There is a week number, that containes multiple modules. Each module containes multiple lessons and each lesson presents multiple items. For each item, we provide one or multiple source codes. Overall, the folder organization is as follows:

|-- <week-number>
    |-- <module_number>_<module-name>
        |-- <lesson_number>_<lesson-name>
            |-- <item_number>_<item-name>
                |-- source_codes