
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Yet another boilerplate

AngularJS, Browserify, Gulp, EcmaScript 2015 (Babelify). Created for using in conjunction with Django.


  1. git clone git@github.com:django-stars/frontend-skeleton.git
  2. npm install -g gulp
  3. npm install
  4. cp local.default.json local.json
  5. gulp


  • Gulp (build, watching)
  • Simple static node server (express)
  • Livereload
  • Images compression (imagemin)
  • CommonJS (browserify, sourcemaps, uglify)
  • EcmaScript 2015 (ES6, babelify)
  • ng-annotate (including annotation for classes)
  • Jade
  • Compass, sass (sprites, sourcemaps)
  • Lodash
  • re-usable components

Running unit tests

We use Jasmine and Karma for unit tests/specs.

  • Start Karma with gulp test-unit
    • A browser will start and connect to the Karma server. PhantomJS is the default browser.
  • Karma will sit and watch your application and test JavaScript files. To run or re-run tests just change any of your these files.

Running end to end tests

We use Jasmine and Protractor for end-to-end testing.

Requires a webserver that serves the application.

  • Run application via gulp
  • In a separate console run the end2end tests: gulp test-e2e.


Angular styleguide: https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide


  • Bootstrap or Polymer?
  • PageTitle service
  • built-in Auth Service/Module
  • include RestAngular ?
  • Service that allow provide fake data for resources (for test)
  • more examples
  • tests directory
  • auto-watch new files