- 0
Questions about these lines of code
#45 opened by LiuYinCarl - 3
has some problems when run code
#39 opened by wzhaha - 1
Idea: Using inside a debugger
#28 opened by rocky - 4
Does not support Python 3.6
#29 opened by Axure - 2
Does not support list comprehension
#30 opened by Axure - 0
Broken test of newest commit. Function object has no __code__ so not compatible with PY3.6
#38 opened by myrfy001 - 0
- 2
- 0
- 5
- 0
- 2
- 6
Introduction and README.rst
#23 opened by clozinski - 8
- 2
- 3
__build_class__ is different in 3.4
#13 opened by akaptur