
nedbat's profile

Primary LanguageShell

I'm Ned Batchelder, a Python software developer and community organizer.

Stand With Ukraine

Read my blog Follow @nedbat on Mastodon Follow me on Bluesky Join us at Boston Python Python Discord Sponsor me on GitHub Stack Overflow reputation My PyPI packages

You can find me at:

My latest blog posts:

  • My flexbox layout, 19 Apr
    I recently had to reverse engineer the layout of this site. I created it once upon a time, but had forgotten the details, and to save myself the work five years from now when I have to do it again, I’m noting down what I learned about how it works. (read..)
  • Try it: function/class coverage report, 15 Apr
    I’ve added experimental function and class coverage reports to coverage.py. I’d like feedback about whether they behave the way you want them to. (read..)
  • Is this for autistic people?, 20 Mar
    Special Olympics swim practices just started. A new young athlete joined us, and he asked a question that has stuck with me: is this for autistic people? (read..)
  • Does Python have pointers?, 11 Mar
    People sometimes ask, “Does Python have pointers?” I hate to be the typical senior engineer, but this is one of those questions where the answer is, it depends what you mean by pointer. (read..)
  • and many more..

I maintain a few Python packages, including:

  • Coverage.py: The code coverage tool for Python
    PyPI GitHub last commit PyPI - Downloads Follow @coveragepy on Mastodon
  • Cog: Small bits of Python computation for static files
    PyPI GitHub last commit PyPI - Downloads
  • Dinghy: A GitHub activity digest tool
    PyPI GitHub last commit PyPI - Downloads
  • Scriv: Changelog management tool
    PyPI GitHub last commit PyPI - Downloads
  • WatchGHA: Live display of current GitHub action runs
    PyPI GitHub last commit PyPI - Downloads
  • Aptus: Mandelbrot fractal viewer
    PyPI GitHub last commit PyPI - Downloads

I've also made a few informal projects, some mathy art, some small utilities:

(made with cog at 2024-05-16 02:36 UTC)