
A nativescript module that gives access to the native contact directory.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NativeScript Contacts

A NativeScript module providing easy access to iOS and Android contact directory. Pick a contact, update it, delete it, or add a new one. Working with groups available in 1.5.0. Create a group, add and remove contacts to the group, and delete a group.


Run tns plugin add nativescript-contacts


To use the contacts module you must first require() it.

var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );


####getContact: Pick one contact and bring back its data.

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );

    /// Returns args:
    /// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object
    /// args.reponse: "selected" or "cancelled" depending on wheter the user selected a contact. 
    if (args.response === "selected") {
        var contact = args.data; //See data structure below
        // lets say you wanted to grab first name and last name
        console.log(contact.name.given + " " + contact.name.family);
        //lets say you want to get the phone numbers

        //lets say you want to get the addresses

Save a new contact

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );
var imageSource = require( "image-source" );

var newContact = new contacts.Contact();
newContact.name.given = "John";
newContact.name.family = "Doe";
newContact.phoneNumbers.push({ label: contacts.KnownLabel.HOME, value: "123457890" }); // See below for known labels
newContact.phoneNumbers.push({ label: "My Custom Label", value: "11235813" });
newContact.photo = imageSource.fromFileOrResource("~/photo.png");

Update an existing contact

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );
var imageSource = require( "image-source" );

    if (args.response === "selected") {
        var contact = args.data;        
        contact.name.given = "Jane";
        contact.name.family = "Doe";
        imageSource.fromUrl("http://www.google.com/images/errors/logo_sm_2.png").then(function (src) {
            contact.photo = src;

Delete a contact

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );

    /// Returns args:
    /// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object
    /// args.reponse: "selected" or "cancelled" depending on wheter the user selected a contact. 
    if (args.response === "selected") {
        var contact = args.data; //See data structure below

getContactsByName: Find all contacts whose name matches. Returns an array of contact data.

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );

  contactFields contains the fields to retrieve from native backend to reduce processing time
  var contactFields = ['name','organization','nickname','notes','photo','urls','phoneNumbers','emailAddresses','postalAddresses']
var contactFields = ['name','phoneNumbers']

    console.log("getContactsByName Complete");
    /// Returns args:
    /// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no contacts were found.
    /// args.reponse: "fetch"
}, function(err){
    console.log("Error: " + err);

getAllContacts: Find all contacts. Returns an array of contact data.

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );

  contactFields contains the fields to retrieve from native backend to reduce processing time
  var contactFields = ['name','organization','nickname','notes','photo','urls','phoneNumbers','emailAddresses','postalAddresses']
var contactFields = ['name','phoneNumbers']

    console.log("getAllContacts Complete");
    /// Returns args:
    /// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no contacts were found.
    /// args.reponse: "fetch"
}, function(err){
    console.log("Error: " + err);

getGroups: Find groups. Returns an array of group data.

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );

contacts.getGroups("Test Group") //[name] optional. If defined will look for group with the specified name, otherwise will return all groups.
        console.log("getGroups Complete");
        /// Returns args:
        /// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no groups were found.
        /// args.reponse: "fetch"
        if(args.data === null){
            console.log("No Groups Found!");
            console.log("Group(s) Found!");
    }, function(err){
        console.log("Error: " + err);

Save a new group

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );

var groupModel = new contacts.Group();
groupModel.name="Test Group";
//Save Argument (boolean)
//iOS: [false=> Use Local Container, true=> Use Default Container]
//Android: will always be true, setting this value will not affect android.

Delete a group

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );

contacts.getGroups("Test Group")
    console.log("getGroups Complete");
    /// Returns args:
    /// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no groups were found.
    /// args.reponse: "fetch"
    if(args.data !== null){
        console.log("Group(s) Found!");
        args.data[0].delete(); //Delete the first found group
}, function(err){
        console.log("Error: " + err);

Add Member To Group

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );

    /// Returns args:
    /// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object
    /// args.reponse: "selected" or "cancelled" depending on wheter the user selected a contact. 
    if (args.response === "selected") {
        var contact = args.data; //See data structure below
        contacts.getGroups("Test Group")
            if(a.data !== null){
                var group = a.data[0];
        }, function(err){
            console.log("Error: " + err);

Remove Member From Group

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );

contacts.getGroups("Test Group") //[name] optional. If defined will look for group with the specified name, otherwise will return all groups.
    if(args.data !== null){
        var group = args.data[0];
            /// Returns args:
            /// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no groups were found.
            /// args.reponse: "fetch"
            console.log("getContactsInGroup complete");

            if(a.data !== null){
        }, function(err){
            console.log("Error: " + err);
}, function(err){
    console.log("Error: " + err);

getContactsInGroup: Get all contacts in a group. Returns an array of contact data.

var app = require( "application" );
var contacts = require( "nativescript-contacts" );

contacts.getGroups("Test Group") //[name] optional. If defined will look for group with the specified name, otherwise will return all groups.
    if(args.data !== null){
        var group = args.data[0];
            console.log("getContactsInGroup complete");
            /// Returns args:
            /// args.data: Generic cross platform JSON object, null if no groups were found.
            /// args.reponse: "fetch"
        }, function(err){
            console.log("Error: " + err);
}, function(err){
    console.log("Error: " + err);

Single User Data Structure

    id : "";
    name = {
        given: "",
        middle: "",
        family: "",
        prefix: "",
        suffix: "",
        displayname: "",
        phonetic : {
            given: "",
            middle: "",
            family: ""   
    nickname : "",
    organization : {
        name: "", 
        jobTitle: "", 
        department: "", 
        // Android Specific properties
        symbol: "",
        phonetic: "",
        location: "",
        type: ""
    notes : "",
    photo: null, // {N} ImageSource instance
    phoneNumbers : [], 
    emailAddresses : [],
    postalAddresses : [],
    urls : []

PhoneNumber / EmailAddress structure

    id: "",
    label: "",
    value: ""

Url structure

    label: "",
    value: ""

PostalAddress structure

    id: "",
    label: "",
    location: {
        street: "",
        city: "",
        state: "",
        postalCode: "",
        country: "",
        countryCode: "",

Known Labels (for Urls, Addresses and Phones)

The following constants are exposed from the plugin in the KnownLabel structure. See details bellow for what types and on what platform they are supported

  • HOME
    iOS - phone, email, postal, url
    Android - phone, email, postal, url
  • WORK
    iOS - phone, email, postal, url
    Android - phone, email, postal, url
    iOS - phone, email, postal, url
    Android - phone, email, postal, url
    iOS - phone
    Android - phone
    iOS - phone
    Android - phone
    iOS - phone
    Android - phone
  • MAIN
    iOS - phone
    Android - phone
    iOS - url
    Android - url
    Android - phone
  • CAR
    Android - phone
    Android - phone
  • ISDN
    Android - phone
    Android - phone
    Android - phone
    Android - phone
    Android - phone
    Android - phone
    Android - phone
    Android - phone
  • MMS
    Android - phone
  • FTP
    Android - url
    Android - url
  • BLOG
    Android - url

Those are the system labels but you can also use any custom label you want.

Single Group Data Structure

    id : "";
    name : "";


See apples docs on properties available: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Contacts/Reference/CNContact_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/cl/CNContact

NOTE: Since the plugin uses the Contact framework it is supported only on iOS 9.0 and above!