
Script to submit to SLURM

Primary LanguagePython


Script to submit to SLURM

Submit an array of jobs to the SLURM system, to be handled by 'go_sim.py'


submit.py ARG [mem=????] [queue=????] [hours=INT] [days=INT] [cpu=INT] file1 [file2] [file3] [...]

ARG is passed as arguments to 'go_sim.py' (please check go_sim.py help), and you must use quotes if you have multiple arguments to group them together.

Unless specified otherwise, the queue is 'medium_priority'. The amount of requested memory (default=2G) should be specified in MB: mem=1024 (for 1 GB) mem=512 (for 512 MB) ...


  1. submit.py sim config.cym Submit one job to run the config file provided

  2. submit.py sim config1.cym config2.cym config3.cym ... Submit one job for each config file provided. They will run in parallel.

  3. submit.py 'sim preconfig.py' config.cym.tpl Submit one job where the config file will be generated by preconfig.py from config.cym.tpl The executable will run sequentially on one node, for each file that is generated.

  4. submit.py 'sim 10' config.cym Submit one job to run the same config file 10 times sequentially on one node.

  5. submit.py 'sim 10' config1.cym config2.cym config3.cym ... Submit a different job for each config file provided, with 10 repeats of each

Last updated 26.09.2018