

A graphical calculator written in Java

A simple 4 function calculator that takes two numbers and adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides them. Newer version comes with power and root support. Supports floating point math, negative numbers, and comes with Clear and Delete buttons to erase result and inputs.


Users can use their keyboard or mouse to input the numbers and operators. Operations are limited to one operator per operation. Any legal input a user provides will be displayed on the Calculator at the top right. Pressing Enter will start the operation, which will return a number as the answer and display it. Pressing the Delete key will erase the most recent input, and hitting Clear will erase the entire display.

Run calculator with ant run

Run tests with ant test

project history

 W14 | andrewberls 4pm | twodimension, Nazgugu |  A graphical calculator written in Java

 F16 | oshen 6pm | nediamond, oliverleifshen | More user-friendly, less buggy

F16 Final Remarks

There has been major improvements to the calculator both in terms of the neatness of the code and the presentation of the GUI. However, there is still a lot of limitations for both performance and reasonable use. Power and root functions are experimental, which causes a quite of few problems when using it. Multiplicative math with floating point numbers gives bizarre answers. Performance wise the calculator can only do one operation at a time, so a possible development is to expand it so it can take more operators and expressions. However, the whole theme of this project is to keep things simple, don't go overboard with features; make it simple to use while still being accurate.