
ESP8266 and TM1638 based Alarm Panel

Primary LanguageArduino


ESP8266 and TM1638 based Alarm Panel


With the introduction of Home Assistant's MQTT Alarm Panel, it is very easy to create a WiFi enabled alarmpanel to arm and disarm your alarm. Disarming the system is done by pushing S1. S2 will put the system in Arm Home mode. S3 in Arm Away. S4 in Arm Night.



The great tm1638 library can be found here and should be installed manually https://github.com/rjbatista/tm1638-library/wiki


Can be found in the standard Arduino library https://github.com/knolleary/pubsubclient

User Config

Copy the userconfig-h.example file to userconfig.h and alter your WiFi credentials and broker address.


NodeMcu or Wemos D1 boards are cheap and already have a usefull powersupply. Any other ESP8266 (except for the ESP-01) can be used. The TM1638 LED panel can be found at the usual eBay or Chinese providers.


Wire your panel as follows. GPIOs can be configured as needed in your configuration. For some EPS8266 systems, the use of D0,1 and 2 is not wanted.

Panel ESP color
vcc 3.3V white
gnd GND blue
stb D2,GPIO16 orange
clk D1,GPIO5 yellow
dio D0,GPIO4 green


The default topic is set to home/alarm. The state and set parts are needed for Home Assistant. Every 60 seconds, a ALIVE message will be send to the default topic. This part can be used to add some sensors when needed. When in Pending state, the LEDs will flash slow. In Triggered state, LEDs will flash fast. After 10 seconds the diplay will turn off. Additional topics can be used to :


home/alarm/text : Set a Text to the display

home/alarm/led : Set the LEDs. Use a hex value. 00 will turn every LED off. FF will turn every LED on.

home/alarm/led : Set two values to display (ie. 20.180.9)


home/alarm/keys : When a button is pushed, the number of the corresponding button is published

Home Assistant

Just add the following lines to your configuration.yaml and you are good to go

  - platform: manual_mqtt
    state_topic: home/alarm/state
    command_topic: home/alarm/set
    pending_time: 30
      pending_time: 20
      pending_time: 20
    trigger_time: 4
    code: 1234

Check https://home-assistant.io/components/alarm_control_panel.manual_mqtt for details.