
Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Views


Use it for the content that will not exceed the size of the screen.


Use it for longer content that will require scroll in order to be displayed fully.


Use it for the list of the items / cards (same content that repeats). Flat list will only load certain number of the items at once, and will load rest as you scroll down. Which is not the case with ScrollView.


Behaves the same as ScrollView but allows you to seperate content into sections.


TextInput field is there to demonstrate how the state of app behaves. Change initialRouteName (App.js line 15) to have value Home2, and you will see how the state is persisted through AsyncStorage even when app is killed.

React Navigation

React navigation keeps components in the same stack tree always mounted. If you, instead of using this.props.navigation.puhs() to change route use this.props.navigation.replace() it will replace stack tree therefore unmount components. Keep this in mind if you need to use componentWillUnmount()


This is great library for generating test data. If you check utils/data.js you will see how easily we have created an array of 50 Objects using faker. For more info check faker npm package or github repository