
Yemeksepeti Python & Flask Bootcamp Capstone Project / Burgerzilla REST-API Micro-service

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Python & Flask Web Development Bootcamp Capstone Project


It is a REST-API micro-service that takes orders from hamburger restaurants registered under Burgerzilla, can view the status of the order, and enables transactions with the customer or restaurant authority regarding the order.

You can reach the requirements of the given project in Turkish from this file.

You can find the main repository of this project here.

Core packages used in the main build


1. Clone this repository


2. For Production

  • Run with docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up

3. For Development

  • Create a virtual environment with virtualenv venv
  • Install requirements with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Run PostgreSQL Database with docker-compose up
  • Run Flask with python3 -m flask run

WARNING: If you encounter any issues while running Docker Compose, do the following in order;

  • docker-compose down
  • docker system prune -a
  • sudo rm -rf .postgres_data_dev
  • sudo rm -rf .postgres_data_prod

and run your docker again.


Auth Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
POST http://localhost/auth/login User Login
POST http://localhost/auth/logout User Logout
POST http://localhost/auth/register User Register

Customer Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
POST http://localhost/customer/order Creates a new order basket if not exists any new
GET http://localhost/customer/order Returns details of current order basket if exists
POST http://localhost/customer/order/cancel Cancels current order basket if exists
POST http://localhost/customer/order/delete Deletes order from customer's history
POST http://localhost/customer/order/add Adds specified menu to current order basket if exists
POST http://localhost/customer/order/menu/remove Removes specific menu from current order basket if exists
GET http://localhost/customer/orders Returns order history of customer

Restaurant Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
POST http://localhost/restaurant/{restaurant_id}/menu Adds a new menu to the restaurant
GET http://localhost/restaurant/{restaurant_id}/menu/{menu_id} Returns detail of specified menu
DELETE http://localhost/restaurant/{restaurant_id}/menu/{menu_id} Delete existing menu from restaurant
PUT http://localhost/restaurant/{restaurant_id}/menu/{menu_id} Update the specified menu
GET http://localhost/restaurant/{restaurant_id}/menus Returns the menu according to the ID of the restaurant
POST http://localhost/restaurant/{restaurant_id}/order/{order_id}/cancel Cancel user's order by restaurant
GET http://localhost/restaurant/{restaurant_id}/order/{order_id}/detail Returns order details of the user to the Restaurant
PUT http://localhost/restaurant/{restaurant_id}/order/{order_id}/status Updates the status of the order by the restaurant
GET http://localhost/restaurant/{restaurant_id}/orders Returns which menu order was taken

Menus Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET http://localhost/menus/all Return all menus of all restaurants

Restaurants Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET http://localhost/restaurants Returns all restaurants

API Documentation

a) Swagger

When you start the application, you will be able to do all endpoint operations on the same page via swagger. Since the swagger interface is very useful, easy and fast, you can easily test the endpoints and look at the documentation. All you have to do is use the token you received after logging in for your requests.

b) Postman

It is also possible to try endpoint operations on postman. Also, I recommend that you do not forget to enter your required token and other parameters besides body.

You can either try it with Burgerzilla_Yemeksepeti.postman_collection.json file on Postman or with the button below on Postman's website.

Run in Postman

Project Structure

├─ app.py
├─ burgerzilla
│  ├─ __init__.py
│  ├─ api_models.py
│  ├─ config.py
│  ├─ models.py
│  ├─ order_status.py
│  └─ routes
│     ├─ __init__.py
│     ├─ auth
│     │  ├─ __init__.py
│     │  ├─ login.py
│     │  ├─ logout.py
│     │  └─ register.py
│     ├─ customer.py
│     ├─ menus.py
│     ├─ restaurant.py
│     ├─ restaurants.py
│     └─ utils.py
├─ Dockerfile
├─ docker-compose.prod.yml
├─ docker-compose.yml
├─ docker-entrypoint.sh
├─ init.sql
├─ migrations
│  ├─ README
│  ├─ alembic.ini
│  ├─ env.py
│  ├─ script.py.mako
│  └─ versions
│     └─ 57b09b39797a_init.py
├─ .gitignore
├─ README.md
├─ bzdata.png
├─ yemeksepeti-python-bootcamp-capstone-project.pdf
└─ requirements.txt

Database Diagram



Merge requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details

Special Thanks

I would like to thank both Patika.dev, Yemeksepeti and our trainer İbrahim Ediz for this wonderful Python & Flask bootcamp.