
In this project, I built a responsive portfolio using the Figma template provided by microverse. the projects section is added dynamically using a javaScript function. each project's card has a pop-up window containing the project details and a live link. the last section is the contact me form where I used Javascript to validate the form's submission.

Primary LanguageCSS

Responsive Portfolio

In this project, I have built My Responsive Portfolio.

alt text

Built With 🔨

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Git & Github


Download the zip file. extract the folder. go to the index.html file.


  • IDE ( VCode For me 🔥).
  • Git.
  • Npm and node.js installed.


  • For anyone who wants to practice html5 or/and css3
  • For anyone who wants to create his portfolio.

Live Demo

Here you can find a live demo of my Portfolio.


👤 Nedjwa Bouraiou 👤 Yussuf Bash

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

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