
Easy-to-use, modular web framework built for V

Primary LanguageVMIT LicenseMIT


Easy-to-use, modular web framework for V.


Example written on VEX

module main

import nedpals.vex.router
import nedpals.vex.server
import nedpals.vex.ctx

fn print_req_info(mut req ctx.Req, mut res ctx.Resp) {
	println('${req.method} ${req.path}')

fn do_stuff(mut req ctx.Req, mut res ctx.Resp) {
	println('incoming request!')

fn main() {
    mut app := router.new()
    app.use(do_stuff, print_req_info)

    app.route(.get, '/', fn (req &ctx.Req, mut res ctx.Resp) {
        res.send_file('index.html', 200)

    app.route(.get, '/public/*path', fn (req &ctx.Req, mut res ctx.Resp) {
        res.send_file('public/' + req.params['path'], 200)

    app.route(.get, '/path/:name', fn (req &ctx.Req, mut res ctx.Resp) {
        println('path is ${req.params["name"]}')
    }, fn (req &ctx.Req, mut res ctx.Resp) {
        res.send('path: ' + req.params['name'], 200)

    app.route(.get, '/complex/:name/*path', fn (req &ctx.Req, mut res ctx.Resp) {
        res.send('username: ' + req.params['name'] + '\npath: ' + req.params['path'], 200)

    server.serve(app, 6789)

Installation & Getting Started

Learn how to setup and use VEX by reading the Wiki.


  • Support for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, and OPTION HTTP methods.
  • HTTP Router (Wildcards are now supported)
  • Route groups (non-reusable for now)
  • Static file server
  • Params and query parsing
  • Middleware support
  • Cookie parsing (basic support)
  • Cookie manipulation / Session support
  • Websocket Server
  • Body parsing
    • application/x-www-form-urlencoded support
    • application/json support
    • multipart/form-data support


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/nedpals/vex/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Examples can be found at the /examples directory.


