
App for KA employees to evaluate their competencies per the skills matrix.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

How to use this repo

Hey! Thanks for helping out with this project. Just to help you hit the ground running, here's a quick guide to some of the differences between this repo and others at Khan Academy.

Quick Start

After installing Bun:

bun install && bun run dev --open # wow so fast


Here are some of the most common scripts you'll use:

bun run dev # starts the vite dev server
bun run build && bun run preview # previews the static deploy
bun run fix # runs `lint --fix` and `prettier --write`; takes care of most linting issues, alerts you to the rest


This repo uses bun as a replacement for node.js as well as npm or yarn.


curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash

For more information, see the docs on bun.sh.


They're essentially identical to yarn commands, but way faster.

Here are the commands you'll use most often:

bun install
bun add
bun remove
bun test
bun run # with scripts; see below

The Lockfile

The bun.lockb file is a binary file that is used to lock down the versions of the dependencies. This is similar to yarn.lock or package-lock.json.


The lockfile holds more data than just dependency versions. You may need to bun install after making config changes. The CI workflow will fail if the lockfile needs to be updated.

Debugging bun.lockb

The bun.lockb is not human-readable by default. In order to read it, you'll want to extend your local git config like so:

git config --local include.path ../.gitconfig

then run

bun ./bun.lockb

Notes on testing

bun test runs bun's own testing suite, but they have packaged their types in a way that is difficult to consume. Instead...

When writing tests, import from @jest/globals.

When we use a test suite other than bun:test, bun replaces the import with one mapped to its own functions anyway.

jest is the best-supported test suite, so we'll use that.


If you unexpectedly hit a Reference Error, consult the below links to determine if the function you are trying to use is currently supported by bun.

Github Actions

  • CI: Runs on every PR and pushes to main. Tests, lints, and builds to ensure that the code is ready to be merged and/or deployed.

  • Static: Runs on every push to main following a successful CI check. Builds and deploys the static site.


  • no-internal-modules: You may not import submodules from other modules. In essence, every subdirectory needs an index.ts file that serves as the public API for that module.
  • plugin:@typescript-eslint/stylistic-type-checked: Among other things, this enforces the use of Record<string, unknown> instead of { [key: string]: unknown } and interface instead of type for type safety and consistency.


Because GitHub Pages doesn't support single page apps, we use a hash router. This means the URL will contain a # after the domain name. For example, https://khan.github.io/career-competencies/#/whatever. More complex solutions are out there, like this one, but they're not worth the effort for this project.

If you'd like to see that problem in action, change the hashRouter to a browserRouter then run bun run build && bun run preview. Navigate anywhere and click "refresh". You'll get a 404.