Given 'N' cards we perform a quantum search operation to find that one card with desired properties in sqrt(N) steps.
The following are the steps involved:
Step 1:
Finding the number of qubits required:
N = math.ceil(math.log(number_of_cards, 2))
Step 2:
Intitialize all N qubits to |0>
grover_circuit.inst([I(q) for q in qubits])
Step 3:
Put all N qubits in superposition by applying Hadamard Gate.
grover_circuit.inst([H(q) for q in qubits])
Step 4:
Apply Oracle to flip the sign of the amplitude of the required qubit.
grover_circuit.inst(tuple([ORACLE_GATE_NAME] + qubits))
Step 5:
Apply Diffusion Operator to invert the amplitudes about the mean.
grover_circuit.inst(tuple([DIFFUSION_GATE_NAME] + qubits))
Step 6:
Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for (PI)/4 * sqrt(no of cards) times.