
Just my own homebrewed Neopets snippets & codes for customizing lookups & petpages! I hope you find them useful too. Feel free to fork to add your own improvements.

Primary LanguageHTML


Click the name of a folder to go to that code's instructions. If you need help, leave a comment in the Issues tab, Reddit thread, or ping me on Twitter @neekko (where I'm most active).

Quick Reference

display-all-pets - disable the pet carousel on your user lookup and display ALL your pets

modern-lookup - a modern redesign of the basic Neopets lookup/layout

modern-lookup-lite - same as above, but it frees up character space by keeping the default header & footer

show-pet - make your pet's portrait visible on their lookup As of April 2022, TNT has fixed pet lookups to display the static image automatically, thus rendering this code obsolete!

userscripts - an assortment of browser plugins to enhance or improve your Neopets experience

Image Hosting

I use imgur.com, which currently works without issue or watermarks and the URLs are nice & short. You will need to add the file extension to the end of the image link that imgur gives you in order for it to show up on your lookup or petpage.



(the .gif extension doesn't seem to work, but .jpg and .png are fine!)

About the Author

Hi, I'm Neekko and I've been playing Neopets on-off for going on 20 years. I'm a professional web developer IRL and I owe a lot to Neopets for introducing me to HTML & CSS customization when I was a wee teen. I wouldn't be where I am now without this silly browser game. <3