
Track your trips & destinations on your phone with this React Native app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Trip Tracker

Track your trips & destinations on your phone with this React Native app


MongoDB Atlas


  • Clone this repo to your local machine using https://github.com/neekyo/Trip-Tracker.git
  • You will also need to clone my custom track server using https://github.com/neekyo/Track-Server.git


  • Install dependencies with npm install for both repos
$ npm install


  • Set up a MongoDB Cluster & Collection and link it to the Trip-Tracker app in order to save User tracks


  • Follow ngrok instructions and start up an HTTP tunnel set to port 3004 (not 80)
  • Once the tunnel is running, you can grab your "Forwarding http" ex: http://31e236a7.ngrok.io (Expires every 8 hours & will need to be updated again)
  • Use this to replace the baseURL instance in the './src/api/track.js' file in Trip-Tracker app


  • Download the Expo app on your phone / Alternatively you can run the iOS/Android Simulator in the browser

Change Location

  • I have the default location set to Apple HQ in California using a mock location, you will need to comment out this file in './src/components/TrackCreateScreen.js' to use your current location (lat/long)

Getting Started

  • After configuring the pre-requisites, open up 3 seperate terminal shells
  1. Where you installed ngrok, run the command ./ngrok http 3004 and remember to replace the baseURL
  2. In the track-server directory, run npm run dev to get your Mongo instance running
  3. In the trip-track directory, run npm start where Expo should open in the browser
  4. With LAN selected, scan the QR code in the bottom left of the browser with your phone camera
  5. Click the Expo pop up at the top of your phone, sign up, and you're ready to track!


Trip-Tracker Built With

JS, HTML5, CSS3, Node, React, React Native, Expo

Track-Server Built With

JS, HTML5, CSS3, Node, Express, Bcrypt, Mongoose