
A Quiz App REST API Implementation in node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Quiz App REST API Implementation in node.js The App is live at - https://quizzy-front.herokuapp.com/

Admin Panel

Question Panel

The API is mainly divided into 2 parts -

  • Admin Routes
  • General Routes

Admin Routes

  • /admin/create/quiz :- This route is used by admin to save the Quiz in the Database. The Quiz details are submitted as POST request Body

  • /admin/view/quiz :- This route returns the quizzes saved in the db. This is a GET Route

  • /admin/delete/quiz?=id :- This Route is used to delete the Quiz who id is passed as the request query 'id'.

  • /adming/update/quiz :- This Route is used to update the Quiz.The details of the Quiz are send as the body of the POST request

  • /admin/create/question :- This route is used by admin to save the question in the Database. The question details are submitted as POST request Body

  • /admin/delete/question?=id :- This Route is used to delete the question who id is passed as the request query 'id'.

  • /adming/update/question :-
    This Route is used to update the question.The details of the question are send as the body of the POST request

General Routes

  • /load/quiz?=id :- This route returns a JSON which contains all the information of the Quiz. The info contains, 'questions' attribute,which is an array ids of the questions of the quiz. This is a GET route

  • /load/questions :- This route is used to fetch the questions of a Quiz.The 'questions' attribute mentioned above is sent as POST data to this route. This route returns the details of all the Questions of the quiz,but in a Jumled manner on every call.

  • /view/questions?=count :- This route is used to retrive the questions from the db. The count query is optional and when passed,the route returns only certain number of documents,denoted by count. If not passed,the route returns all the question is the db.

Future Additions

  • Caching to be implmented using Graphql to increase speed and optimise server performance.
  • More Routes for quiz assesment and score report


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