
The purpose of this app is quickly test out container services that you may be interested in testing such as spinning up containers on EC2 instances, Elastic Container Service using Fargate, Elastic Kubernetes Service etc.

Build & Run

If you want to build locally:

docker build -t neelypatel/pet-superstore-api .

or you can pull the latest image:

docker pull neelypatel/pet-superstore-api

To run it:

docker run -d --name pet-superstore-api -p 3000:3000 neelypatel/pet-superstore-api

Go to localhost:3000 to see the message. You can also do a healthcheck at localhost:3000/healthcheck.

Docker Compose (easiest)

Start the app:

docker-compose up -d --build

Information on how to start the app that this superstore calls can be found: pets-app will connect to the pet-superstore-api network if started with docker compose.

shut it all down:

docker-compose down

Upcoming features

  • instructions and config for deploying to various AWS services and GCP services
  • kubernetes related instructions and config
  • automated testing and CI environment

dockerhub page