Primary LanguageJava

Data Structures And Algorithms

This Repository contains a list of DSA Problems. These are the only DSA Problems I did for my placements.I would urge you all to practice this DSA questions as a revision that will really boost up your performance for your DSA rounds.

List of All DSA Questions


  • 1.Creation and Operations on Arrays
  • 2.Linear Search
  • 3.Binary Search
  • 4.Largest and Smallest Element in Array
  • 5.Reverse an Array without extra space
  • 6.Pairs in Array
  • 7.Subarrays in Array
  • 8.Kadanes Algorithm
  • 9.Trapped Rain Water
  • 10.Best time to Buy and Sell Stocks
  • 11.Find at least one Duplicate in Array
  • 12.Find Element in Rotated Sorted Array
  • 13.Find Triplets with specific conditions

Matrix or 2D Arrays

  • 1.Creation and Operation on Matrix
  • 2.Spiral Matrix Traversal
  • 3.Diagnol Sum:Find Sum of both Promary and Secondary Diagnol
  • 4.Search in Sorted Matrix using Staircase Pattern
  • 5.Count the numebr of times a number occured in Matrix
  • 6.Sum of numbers of nth row in Matrix
  • 7.Transpose of a Matrix


  • 1.Creation , Input , Output and In-Built String Functions
  • 2.Check if the Given String is Palindrome or Not
  • 3.Find Shortest Distance or Dispalcement from Point to Point
  • 4.More In-Built String functions which can be used to solve larger problems
  • 5.New Data Structure called String Builder simialr to strigns but better efficiency and all operatinos on strings can be done using stringBUilders
  • 6.Convert First letter of Each word in a Sentence to UpperCase
  • 7.String Compression usgin String as DataStructure and Also String Builder as a Data Structure
  • 8.Count the Number of Lower case vowels Occured in string
  • 9.Check if the 2 Strings are Anagrams or Not

Sorting Algorithms

  • 1.Bubble Sort - Arrange Elements in Ascending and Descending Order Both
  • 2.Selection Sort - Arrange Elements in Ascending and Descending Order Both
  • 3.Insertion Sort - Arrange Elements in Ascending and Descending Order Both
  • 4.Count Sort - Arrange Elements in Ascending and Descending Order Both
  • 5.Merge Sort - Arrange Elements in Ascending and Descending Order Both
  • 6.Quick Sort - Arrange Elements in Ascending and Descending Order Both

Array Lists