
A terraform project to create AWS infrastructure to a web application with its container registery

Primary LanguageHCL

Devops Roadmap (Infrastructure)

A terraform project to create AWS infrastructure to a web application with its container registry


The following diagram shows the key components of the configuration for this module:

The following diagram shows the key components of the infrastructure (in progress..)


  • Setup aws cli or have ~/.aws/credentials file so that terraform can call API using your AWS account.
  • Install terraform
  • Install ansible
  • VirtualBox
  • Vagrant

Quick Start

Infrastructure provisioning

  • The first step is to generate the SSH keys, that will be used to login to service boxes.

    This will generate 2 files Public key and private key, use public key path in tfvars in next step.

    # create the keys.
    ssh-keygen -m PEM -f "~/.ssh/awskey"
    # Add ssh keys to keychain
    ssh-add <PrivateKeypath>
  • Now, Create a tfvar file to overwrite default variable values, edit ap-south.tfvars.example and add your valuesin it.

    Add DB user and password. Also add public key path that you added above.

  • Now you can run terraform command to deploy all the changes. Yo

    terraform plan -var-file=ap-south.tfvars
    terraform apply -var-file=ap-south.tfvars

After setup you can connect to bastion using this command.

ssh -i ~/.ssh/awskey -A ubuntu@<Bastion-public-ip>

Software provisioning

  • Firstly, Install aws dynamic inventory plugin for ansible, it will be used to fetch hosts from AWS.

    ansible-galaxy collection install amazon.aws
    # above collection requires boto3 and botocore
  • Now if you have run terraform apply command it will create 3 things in ansible directory.

    1. File ansible/s3_keys.yaml. It has secret for S3 users both Read-only and R/W. Copy themin vault.yaml.
    2. File ansible/terraform_vars.yaml. It contains all the variables/outputs from terraform.
    3. Directory ansible/cert which contains SSL certificates for LB.
  • Now you have to create a vault which will have values as given in ansible/vault.yaml.example. Copy it and edit your secrets.

    # name vault.yaml is hardcoded right now so use that name only.
    ansible-vault encrypt vault.yaml
  • Run playbook,

    make deploy

    The above command will deploy docker registry, a django app and initialize DB with default user.

Other Make commands you can use

make init_server      # to initlize server with python packages and docker
make deploy_registry  # only deploy registry
make deploy_app       # only deploy django app
make init_db          # initialize DB with default user. 

Now you can login into application on LB dns address, goto <lb-dns-address>/api-auth/login/

CI/CD with Jenkins

From makefile you can startup the vagrant machines

make jenkins

This will start 2 machines 1 master jenkins server 1 slave. You can access your jenkins on localhost:8080

Because jenkins uses ansible to deploy your app the files mentioned above are also important here.

For, ansible/terraform_vars.yaml and ansible/vault.yaml, You need to copy these files to your local /vagrant directory which will be auto mounted to machines.

For, ansible/cert/* you have to copy it to /etc/docker/certs.d/<load balancer dns>/

Now, you need to setup node to connect a slave(hostname: jenkins-slave) to master.

See online instructions.

After that you can setup a pipeline project, vagrant/jenkins/Jenkinsfile can be used for the script.

You also have to add few credentials, for pipeline to work.

  1. Credential named AnsibleVault(type: Secret text) contaning vault password.
  2. aws-id AWS key and secret(type: AWS credentials) to list the host machines to deploy (used by ansible).
  3. aws-ssh-key(type: "SSH username with Key") which stores the private key we created/used in terraform to initilize service machines.


These plugins are required in order to run the above pipeline. Ansible plugin, Docker Pipeline, SSH Agent Plugin

TODO (infrastructure)

  • Application Load Balancer

  • Two bastion machines (one per AZ).

  • Attach 8 GB extra EBS volume.

  • RDS

  • S3 buckets with users.

TODO (software provisioning)

  • Docker registry service, integrated with ansible.

  • Django application.

  • Containerize the application using docker.

  • make file to run tests, create docker images and push to docker registry.

  • Ansible's dynamic inventory to provision the application.

  • CI using Jenkins.

  • CD Pipeline