
A grep implementation in golang.

Primary LanguageGo


A grep implementation in golang. A command line program that implements Unix command grep like functionality. The program has the following features.


To install you can use makefile or build using commands

make build
go build main.go

To run game,

make run
./gorep   // after building

To run tests

make test
go test ./... -v


Usage: ./gorep [OPTION]... [PATTERN] [FILES]...
Search for PATTERN in each FILE.
Example: ./gorep 'hello world' menu.txt main.txt


  • Search for a string in a file
$ ./gorep "search_string" filename.txt
filename.txt:L2:I found the search_string in the file.
  • Search for a string from standard input (using pipe)
$ ls | ./gorep foo

will produce

  • Write output to a file instead of a standard out for example,
$ ./gorep -o out.txt lorem loreipsum.txt // It will create an out.txt file with the search output.
$ cat out.txt
lorem ipsum
a dummy text usually contains lorem ipsum
  • Search in multiple files.
$ ./gorep "test" test1.txt test2.txt
tests/test1.txt:this is a test file
tests/test1.txt:one can test a program by running test cases
tests/inner/test2.txt:this file contains a test line
  • Or search for a string recursively in any of the files in a given directory.
$ ./gorep -d tests test 
tests/test1.txt:this is a test file
tests/test1.txt:one can test a program by running test cases
tests/inner/test2.txt:this file contains a test line