
Want to start with PostgreSQL? This is perfect repository to learn about it from scratch on cli

Installation in ubuntu


Commands to get started

service postgresql service postgresql status | start | stop | reload

Start PostgreSQL in Terminal

Default user is postgres

sudo su postgres

To start the Command line shell for postgres

  • psql


  • psql --help

Got error while using the command to login using port and username Stackoverflow Solution

  • psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U neerajkumar testdatabase

  • use \c databaseName to connect to specific database after logged in using specific user

  • use \? to retreive all psql commands

  • use \h to retreive all SQL commands

  • use \l command to list the available databases in Postgres

  • use \du - to list all tha users available in Postgres

Create and Update user password

  • ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword';


  • alter user postgres with password 'newpassword';

Creating Database

  • CREATE DATABASE testdatabase;

Follow each readme one by one

  1. Create Table Queries and Commands
  2. Select Queries and Commands
  3. Group By Commands
  4. COALESCE() Aggregate Function
  5. Timestamps and Date
  6. Primary Keys and Constraints