This API provides endpoints to manage the "My List" feature for an OTT platform. Users can add their favorite movies and TV shows to a personalized list, remove items from the list, and retrieve their list with pagination and caching optimizations.
$ pnpm install
# development
$ pnpm run start
# watch mode
$ pnpm run start:dev
# e2e tests
$ pnpm run test:e2e
- Added scripts to insert default records for User, Movie and TvShows. Make sure to make changes for testing and dev environment.
$ pnpm run add:users
$ pnpm run add:movies
$ pnpm run add:tvshows
- Check and .env.test for variables for MongoURI.
Users: [6654135df8b78768eae0296b, 6654135df8b78768eae0296d]
Movies: [665413819d2ed6292ca16064, 665413819d2ed6292ca16065, 665413819d2ed6292ca16066]
TVShows: [6654138bd9423b0d534ffaf0, 6654138bd9423b0d534ffaf3, 6654138bd9423b0d534ffaf6]
- Ensure to install mongodb and redis which can run locally on default port. You can use docker and expose default port.
POST /my-list/add/list
- Adds a movie or TV show to the user's list. Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
userId: 6654135df8b78768eae0296b
Request Body:
"contentId": "664f2790bd0129b14fe238ae",
"contentType": "TVShow"
POST /my-list/remove/list
- Removes a movie or TV show from the user's list. Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
userId: 6654135df8b78768eae0296b
Request Body:
"contentId": "664f2790bd0129b14fe238ae"
200 OK - Item successfully removed from the list.
400 Bad Request - Invalid request parameters.
500 Internal Server Error - An error occurred while processing the request.
GET /my-list/user/list?page=1&limit=10
- Retrieves the items in the user's list with pagination and caching optimizations.
userId: 6654135df8b78768eae0296b
Query Parameters:
page (optional) - Page number for pagination. Default is 1.
limit (optional) - Number of items per page. Default is 10.
200 OK - List of items in the user's list.
400 Bad Request - Invalid request parameters.
500 Internal Server Error - An error occurred while processing the request.
Separate schemas for User, Movie, TVShow, and MyList. Indexes on userId in MyList for efficient querying.
- Used indexes and minimzed the necessary response.
- Caching to store the already fetched MyList information of the user.
- We can use mongodb sharding and cluster module
- Pagination used for listing items to fast and limited retreival.
- Basic user authentication is in place.
- Assumed already stored information is valid, skipped extra validation to find records on db
- MongoDB is used as the primary database.
- Not found enough time for deployment. [Skipped that part]
- Meets all functional requirements.
- Code Quality: Tried to write modular and cleaner code.
- Added validation for input.
- Well-designed API, database schema, and caching strategy.
- Integration Test written due to time limitation, few were remained.
- Could write the unite test cases, if got time.
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