log rails exceptions to database when you can't use hoptoad because of privacy reasons. You still get to use hoptoad_notifier and hoptoad API . However the exception data gets saved in a database instead of going to hoptoad.
- astashovIndeed
- chipigaBerlin
- dedeneZenjoy
- dimianstudioAvallain
- gregwebsDigital Mint
- gunn
- jaimeiniestaFreelance
- jasheraiPhatforge
- jhulick
- jondkinney@headwayio
- kivanio@universokobana
- kvnsmth
- marcboquetBarcelona
- markcuLong Island City, NY
- MEHColeman
- micha-deBerlin, Germany
- millisamiNepal
- neophiliacMerlot Research Group, Inc.
- nextekcarlQualtik
- shanlalitNew Delhi, India
- slmingolSomewhere in the contintental US
- tapn2itSubvertical LLC
- twopointzerotwopointzero Solutions Inc.