Zoomcar is an Indian car-rental platform, headquartered in Bangalore. The company was founded in 2013 by David Back and Greg Moran. It currently operates in 34+ cities.
Please Use the index.html(Home page) present in repository.
In the Homepage, we have a Navbar which has been created using the Bootstrap framework of CSS and we have also used Import/Export feature of ES6 to export the Navbar to all other pages inside the website.
On clicking the search box, the user is redirected to the location where the page automatically fetches the User's Current Location. The User also has an option to manually enter the location or pick a location from the Map.
After selecting the location, the user is required to select the Start Date-End-Date and Start time to End-Time from the Calendar and the Time Slider. After selecting the preferred date and time, the user is redirected to the product page.
In the above Product page, the User can choose a car of his choice. He can also search cars of his preference using the filters on the Left side of the Screen. We have used Sorting and filtering methods of JavaScript Higher Order Functions and the user clicks on Book Now option which redirects to the Summary page.
In the Summary Page, the User confirms the Selected Date and Time as well as the car Selected. He is then redirected to the payment page.
On the payment page, the user can select a convenient payment option and complete the payment. On Successful payment, the booking gets confirmed and the user gets a confirmation email and is redirected back to the landing page.
- Login/Sign-Up Functionality
- Location Access using the Location function and Google Maps integration.
- ES6 features like Import/Export and Arrow Functions to produce clean code.
- Bootstrap Framework for the CSS Functionality and icons using Font Awesome and Google Material Fonts.
A collaborative team of 5 members with each one of us handling a key responsibility and completed the project in 4 days.
- Subham Ranjan
- Prem Kumar
- Neeraj Singh
- Prayag Patel
- Sanketh TJ