Description: Nimbus is a lightweight, free WordPress theme designed with your content in mind. It features a clean design with a strong focus on typography, plus a bunch of presentational options allowing you to make your site unique. Author: James Koster Author URI: Tags: gray, two-columns, left-sidebar, flexible-width, post-formats, sticky-post, threaded-comments, translation-ready, theme-options, dark
- License: GNU General Public License v2.0
- FontAwesome Icon font License: SIL Open Font License (OFL)
You can customise Nimbus' appearance in a bunch of different ways to suit your sites purpose. To do so from the dashboard navigate to Appearance > Themes and click 'Customize'. From the front-end you can access theme customization from the admin bar.
- Site Title & Tagline - Change your site title & tagline.
- Colors - Change theme colors such as background, text, link etc
- Layout - Position the sidebar on the left or the right
- Header Image - The image will tile in the header so be sure to pick one that's sufficiently wide, or which seamlessly tiles.
- Typography - Choose from preset typographical configurations
- Background Image - Change the background image
- Navigation - Specify which menu to use in the menu location
- Static Front Page - Optionally specify a static front page
The link post format is automatically converted to markup. Put the anchor text as the post title and the URL as the post content.
The landing page template is a full width page template featuring three columns of widgetised regions above the footer. This template is perfect for static homepages or landing pages.
Nimbus has been prepared for use with WooCommerce. For now this is simple preparation, that means the layout will work, but styles will be inherited from the woocommerce.css file within WooCommerce. This may not mesh too nicely depending on which color scheme you configure. Light color schemes will work best in this regard.
Nimbus fully supports the Theme Hook Alliance.