
Ansible playbook to install personal tools required for my workspace, and setup my environment.

MIT LicenseMIT


Ansible plays for bootstrapping my development environment for @Transparent Language.

This project is a sub-project of the JVM Development Environment.

The playbook has been broken up into four individual role groups:


  • Install curl (cli http tool).
  • Install nano (terminal text editor).
  • Install gedit (gui text editor).
  • Install bash completion.
  • Install gyazo screen capture.
  • Install libreoffice suite.
  • Install snapd.
  • Install elinks.
  • Install i3 environment (with i3blocks).
  • Install nitrogen.
  • Install tmux.
  • Install zsh shell.
  • Install fileroller archive manager.
  • Install nautilus file explorer.
  • Install jq.
  • Install Gimp.
  • Install ffsend.


  • Install python 3.6/3.7.
  • Install pylint.
  • Install httpie.
  • Install aws-cli.
  • Install docker.
  • Install docker-compose.
  • Install node.js 10 stable (using n tool).
  • Install coffeescript.
  • Install webpack.
  • Install datagrip.
  • Install insomnia rest tool.
  • install mongodb compass.
  • Install vscode.
  • Install apache ant.


  • Install Oranchelo icon theme.
  • Install numix gtk theme.


  • Install TeamvViewer.
  • Install Microsoft Teams.

Copyright (c) 2019 John Nolette Licensed under the MIT license.