
Some code of screw theory in Matlab

  1. omega_skew = skew(omega)
    This function is for calculation the skew symmetric matrix

  2. R = exposkew(omega, theta)
    This function is for creating the rotational matrix by using Rodrigues' formula

  3. T = Twist2Trans(twist, theta)
    This function is for transforming twist coordinates ξ = [v;ω] to homogeneous transformation matrix

  4. Tinv = TransInv(T)
    This function is for calculating the inverse transformation matrix in SE(3)

  5. T = FKtwist(twistlist, thetalist, Initconfig)
    This function is for the calculation of forward kinematics of the manipulator for the final tool frame configuration with twist coordinate inputs

  6. Adg = Trans2adjoint(Trans)
    This function is for calculating the adjoint transformation which is a 6*6 matrix which transforms twists from one coordinate frame to another.

  7. AdgInv = Trans2Invadjoint(Trans)
    This function is for calculating the inverse adjoint transformation which is a 6*6 matrix which transforms twists from one coordinate frame to another.

  8. Jacob = JacobianSpatial(twistlist, thetalist) This function is for the calculation of spatial manipulator Jacobian

  9. Jacob = JacobianBody(twistlist, thetalist, Initconfig)
    This function is for the calculation of body manipulator Jacobian where the end-effector velocities are with respect to the tool frame.

  10. tauVec = InverseDynamics(thetaVec, dthetaVec, ddthetaVec, g, Ftip, Mlist, Glist, Slist)
    This function uses forward-backward Newton-Euler iterations to solve the inverse dynamics