Ktor Patterns

Small sample application to illustrate various common Ktor/Kotlin/Coroutine patterns:

  • Logging with KotlinLogging
  • General Ktor application layout
  • Configuration with immutable data classes & HOCON configuration files
  • Using KotlinX JSON serialization
  • Health monitor for database
  • Schema maintenance with Flyway Ktor plugin
  • Persistence with Exposed
    • Using the IO Dispatcher for blocking operations
    • Retrying transient exceptions
  • Functional services without DI
  • Unit Testing
  • Integration testing with TestContainers (Postgres)

A Docker container can be built using Jib:

./gradlew :server:jibDockerBuild --image=nefilim/ktor-functional-patterns

Running Locally

Use docker-compose up to start Postgres/Kafka etc

Add Ktor Run configuration with the following:

  • Ktor main class: io.github.nefilim.ktorpatterns.MainKt
  • Program arguments: -config=server/src/main/resources/application-development.conf
  • Environment variables: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=development

Click Run


  • Test and document SemVer support
  • Moar! Unit testing