The NeftyBlocks CLI is a tool that will help you manage your collections by creating templates and minting assests.
The CLI asks for the following minimum requirements installed:
To install the CLI you can run the following command:
npm install -g @nefty/cli
This will download and install the CLI, after its installed you can quickly start by configuring your CLI settings
$ npm install -g @nefty/cli
$ nefty COMMAND
running command...
$ nefty (--version)
@nefty/cli/0.3.0 darwin-arm64 node-v18.19.1
$ nefty --help [COMMAND]
$ nefty COMMAND
Neftyblocks-CLI works based on a configuration file that you will need to generate first. This file contains the urls and defined values to be able to communicate with the Chain. In order to generate this configuration you will need to run the following command:
nefty config init
Then you will be prompt/asked to enter the required information.
The neftyblocks-cli requires a configuration that will include all the properties with the information to connect to the proper endpoints.
You can locate the configuration directory in
Unix: ~/.config/nefty/config.json Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\nefty\config.json
The required properties are as follows:
Property | Description | Example value |
rpcUrl | Url that points to your preferred eos node api | |
aaUrl | Url that points to your preferred atomic assets api | |
explorerUrl | Url that points to your preferred blocks explorer | |
chainId | The chain id of the blockchain to interact with | 1064487b3cd1a897ce03ae5b6a865651747e2e152090f99c1d19d44e01aea5a4 |
sessionDir | Directory where the session information is stored | /User/user/.config/nefty/sessions |
The CLI is able to create templates and mint assets based on xls templates that contains the required informations. The required parameters are the collection name and the path where the file will be downloaded. If no schema is passed to the command it will retrieve all available schemas for the collection and place them one per sheet inside the xls file You can also filter by schema in case you just want to work based on 1 schema You can generate and download these templates by running the following commands:
You can create your templates by running the following command:
nefty templates create ~/path/to/xls/file -c collectionName
You can mint NFTs by running the following command:
nefty assets mint ~/path/to/xls/file -c collectionName
You can generate PFPs by running the following command:
nefty pfps generate ~/path/to/xls/file ~/path/to/output/dir -r ~/path/to/source/layers
You can transfer tokens by running the following command:
nefty tokens transfer ~/path/to/xls/file
nefty generate template-file ~/Downloads/template-file-path -c yourCollectionName -s yourSchemaName
nefty generate mint-file ~/Downloads/mint-file-path -c yourCollectionName -s yourSchemaName
nefty generate pfp-file ~/Downloads/pfp-file-path -l Body -l Head -l Hair
nefty generate transfer-tokens-file ~/Downloads/transfer-file-path
The CLI reads data from an XLS template, which provides the schema(s) for the desired template(s).
Each sheet within this file should represent a distinct schema name. The mandatory headers detailing the template information are as follows:
Header | Description |
template_max_supply |
Total assets available for minting under this template. (0 denotes unlimited supply) |
template_is_burnable |
Specifies whether assets can be burned. |
template_is_transferable |
Indicates if assets are transferable to other accounts. |
Following these headers, custom attributes for the templates can be added:
template_max_supply | template_is_burnable | template_is_transferable | name | image | custom attr1 | custom attr2 | ... |
2000 | TRUE/FALSE | TRUE/FALSE | nefty | ipfs_hash | custom value1 | custom value2 | ... |
4000 | TRUE/FALSE | TRUE/FALSE | nefty | ipfs_hash | custom value1 | custom value2 | ... |
Similarly, each sheet in this file should represent a unique schema name. The required headers detailing the asset information are:
Header | Description |
template |
ID of the template to which the asset belongs. Use -1 if no specific template is to be associated. |
amount |
Quantity of NFTs set to be minted. |
owner |
Account that will own the minted NFT. |
After specifying these headers, you can include custom attributes for the assets:
template | amount | owner | name | image | custom attr1 | custom attr2 | ... |
-1 | 10 | superaccount | nefty | ipfs_hash | custom value1 | custom value2 | ... |
631839 | 20 | superaccount | nefty | ipfs_hash | custom value1 | custom value2 | ... |
The PFP layers file is used to define how layers are organized and interact in the given project. This file specifies the names of the layers in each sheet, wherein the order of the sheets determines the sequence in which the layers are placed on top of each other.
Each sheet must contain these required headers:
Header | Description |
id |
A unique identifier for each option. |
value |
Specifies the attribute's value for the given option. |
odds |
Indicates the likelihood of the option being selected. All odds within the options sum up to determine the overall probability. |
In addition to the mandatory headers, the following headers can be included:
Header | Description |
path |
Path of the image (relative to the rootDir ) associated with the option. |
skip |
Skips certain options within a layer or an entire layer. Specify a layer name to skip. For specific options, mention the layer name followed by ":" and the option ids, separated by commas. List one layer per line if skipping multiple layers. |
dependencies |
Sets dependencies based on a previous layer's value. Specify the layer name followed by ":" and the option ids that it depends on. For multiple layers, list one layer per line. |
insertFromLayers |
Includes options from previous layers in the image when the current option is chosen. Define the layer name, followed by ":" and the option ids as dependencies. For multiple layers, list one layer per line. |
sameIdRestrictions |
Puts a constraint on an option if another option has the same id. Define the layer name, followed by ":" and the option ids that it relies on. |
removeLayers |
Specifies which preceding layers should be removed if the current option is chosen. Only the layer name is required. For multiple layers, list one layer per line. |
The token transfer file is used to define the tokens to be transferred, the recipient, amount and memo. The mandatory headers detailing the transfer information are as follows:
Header | Description |
contract |
The account name of the token (i.e. eosio.token). |
symbol |
The symbol of the token (i.e. WAX). |
amount |
The amount to transfer of the token (i.e. 10). |
recipient |
The account to transfer the tokens to. |
memo |
A memo that will be included in the transfer. |
nefty assets
nefty assets mint INPUT
nefty config
nefty config auth
nefty config get
nefty config init
nefty config set [PROPERTY] [VALUE]
nefty generate
nefty generate create-liquidity-file OUTPUT
nefty generate mint-file OUTPUT
nefty generate pfp-file OUTPUT
nefty generate template-file OUTPUT
nefty generate token-transfer-file OUTPUT
nefty help [COMMAND]
nefty pfps
nefty pfps build INPUT
nefty pfps cover INPUT
nefty pfps generate INPUT OUTPUT
nefty pfps mint INPUT
nefty pfps mosaic INPUT
nefty swap
nefty swap create-pools INPUT
nefty templates
nefty templates create INPUT
nefty templates export OUTPUT
nefty tokens
nefty tokens transfer INPUT
Manages a collection's assets.
$ nefty assets
Manages a collection's assets.
See code: src/commands/assets/index.ts
Mints assets in batches using a spreadsheet.
$ nefty assets mint INPUT -c <value> [-b <value>] [-i] [--confirm] [--skip <value>]
INPUT Excel file with the templates and amounts
-b, --batchSize=<value> [default: 100] Transactions batch size
-c, --collectionName=<value> (required) Collection name
-i, --ignoreSupply Ignore supply errors
--confirm Confirm transactions
--skip=<value> Number of mints to skip
Mints assets in batches using a spreadsheet.
$ nefty assets mint test.xls -c alpacaworlds
See code: src/commands/assets/mint.ts
Manages the configuration.
$ nefty config
Manages the configuration.
See code: src/commands/config/index.ts
Authenticates the CLI with a different account
$ nefty config auth
Authenticates the CLI with a different account
Logs in to the CLI with a different account
$ nefty config auth auth
See code: src/commands/config/auth.ts
Display all the configuration parameters.
$ nefty config get
Display all the configuration parameters.
$ nefty config get
See code: src/commands/config/get.ts
Configure the parameters to interact with the blockchain.
$ nefty config init [-d]
-d, --deleteConfig Deletes configuration file
Configure the parameters to interact with the blockchain.
$ nefty config init
See code: src/commands/config/init.ts
Sets a configuration property
$ nefty config set [PROPERTY] [VALUE]
PROPERTY (explorerUrl|rpcUrl|aaUrl) Configuration property.
VALUE Configuration value.
Sets a configuration property
Sets the explorer url property
$ nefty config set explorerUrl
See code: src/commands/config/set.ts
Generates excel files to use in other batch commands.
$ nefty generate
Generates excel files to use in other batch commands.
See code: src/commands/generate/index.ts
Generates the file to create liquidity pools.
$ nefty generate create-liquidity-file OUTPUT
OUTPUT Location where the file will be generated.
Generates the file to create liquidity pools.
Generates the file to create liquidity pools into a file called pools.xlsx.
$ nefty generate create-liquidity-file pools.xlsx
See code: src/commands/generate/create-liquidity-file.ts
Generates the file to batch mint assets in a collection. Each schema will be a different sheet.
$ nefty generate mint-file OUTPUT -c <value> [-s <value>]
OUTPUT Location where the file will be generated.
-c, --collection=<value> (required) Collection name to generate the file.
-s, --schema=<value> Schema to use to generate the file. If not provided, all schemas will be used.
Generates the file to batch mint assets in a collection. Each schema will be a different sheet.
Generates the file for the collection alpacaworlds, schema thejourney and saves it in the current directory in a
file called mints.xlsx.
$ nefty generate mint-file mints.xlsx -c alpacaworlds -s thejourney
Generates the file for the collection alpacaworlds, all schemas and saves it in the current directory in a file
called mints.xlsx.
$ nefty generate mint-file mints.xlsx -c alpacaworlds
See code: src/commands/generate/mint-file.ts
Generates the file to generate a pfp collection with the specified layers.
$ nefty generate pfp-file OUTPUT [-l <value>] [-a]
OUTPUT Location where the file will be generated.
-a, --advanced Include advanced headers.
-l, --layers=<value>... The names of the layers to include in the file.
Generates the file to generate a pfp collection with the specified layers.
Generates the file to create pfps with the layers Body, Face and Hair and saves it in the current directory in a
file called pfp-layers.xlsx.
$ nefty generate pfp-file pfp-layers.xlsx -l Body -l Face -l Hair
Generates the file to create pfps with the layers Body, Face and Hair with advanced headers and saves it in the
current directory in a file called pfp-layers.xlsx.
$ nefty generate pfp-file pfp-layers.xlsx -l Body -l Face -l Hair -a
See code: src/commands/generate/pfp-file.ts
Generates the file to batch create templates in a collection. Each schema will be a different sheet.
$ nefty generate template-file OUTPUT -c <value> [-s <value>]
OUTPUT Location where the file will be generated.
-c, --collection=<value> (required) Collection name to generate the file.
-s, --schema=<value> Schema to use to generate the file. If not provided, all schemas will be used.
Generates the file to batch create templates in a collection. Each schema will be a different sheet.
Generates the file for the collection alpacaworlds, schema thejourney and saves it in the current directory in a
file called templates.xlsx.
$ nefty generate template-file templates.xlsx -c alpacaworlds -s thejourney
Generates the file for the collection alpacaworlds, all schemas and saves it in the current directory in a file
called templates.xlsx.
$ nefty generate template-file templates.xlsx -c alpacaworlds
See code: src/commands/generate/template-file.ts
Generates the file to transfer tokens.
$ nefty generate token-transfer-file OUTPUT
OUTPUT Location where the file will be generated.
Generates the file to transfer tokens.
Generates the file to transfer tokens into a file called transfers.xlsx.
$ nefty generate token-transfer-file transfers.xlsx
See code: src/commands/generate/token-transfer-file.ts
Display help for nefty.
$ nefty help [COMMAND...] [-n]
COMMAND... Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for nefty.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Commands to manage a PFP collection.
$ nefty pfps
Commands to manage a PFP collection.
See code: src/commands/pfps/index.ts
Uploads all the pfps generated by the generate command to ipfs and creates the mint file.
$ nefty pfps build INPUT -t <value> -c <value> -n <value> [-r] [-a <value>] [--nameDigits <value>]
INPUT Directory where the pfps are saved.
-a, --account=<value> The account who will receive the pfps.
-c, --collection=<value> (required) The collection to use for the mint file.
-n, --name=<value> (required) The name to prepend in the NFT name.
-r, --randomize Randomizes the pfps before creting the mint file.
-t, --template=<value> (required) The template where the NFTs will be minted.
--nameDigits=<value> [default: 4] The number of digits in the number in the NFT name.
Uploads all the pfps generated by the generate command to ipfs and creates the mint file.
Uploads all the pfps in the ./pfpfs folder to ipfs, creates the mint file using template 11324 and collection
$ nefty pfps build ./pfps-folder -c alpacaworls -t 11324 -a alpacaworlds -n "My NFT" -r
See code: src/commands/pfps/build.ts
Generates a cover image based on the generated pfps.
$ nefty pfps cover INPUT -q <value> [-i <value>] [--delay <value>]
INPUT Directory where the pfps are saved.
-i, --include=<value>... Include specific dnas in the cover.
-q, --quantity=<value> (required) [default: 20] Number of images to use in the cover.
--delay=<value> [default: 200] Delay in ms between each image in the cover.
Generates a cover image based on the generated pfps.
Generates the cover image with 50 pfps.
$ nefty pfps cover pfps -q 50
Generates the cover image with 50 pfps, forcing the use of dnas 0b1b...b5b and ff28...0c6b
$ nefty pfps cover pfps -q 50 -i 0b1b2e8ad9672bed621e8259894ea8152857d3dfcc15d6dcccebc98b618d8b5b \
See code: src/commands/pfps/cover.ts
Generates the images and attributes for a pfp collection.
$ nefty pfps generate INPUT OUTPUT -q <value> [-r <value>] [-w <value>] [--debug] [--predefined <value>]
INPUT Location or google sheets id of the excel file with the pfps definitions.
OUTPUT Directory where the images will be saved.
-q, --quantity=<value> (required) Number of pfps to generate.
-r, --rootDir=<value> Directory where the assets are stored.
-w, --resizeWidth=<value> Width to resize the images to.
--debug Include more information in the pfs excel.
--predefined=<value> Location or google sheets id of the excel file with the predefined pfps definitions.
Generates the images and attributes for a pfp collection.
Generates all the pfps defined in the pfps-specs.xlsx file and saves them in the pfps directory.
$ nefty pfps generate pfps-specs.xlsx pfps
See code: src/commands/pfps/generate.ts
Mints the NFTS in the mint-pfps.xlsx file.
$ nefty pfps mint INPUT [--skip <value>] [--batchSize <value>]
INPUT Directory where the pfps are saved.
--batchSize=<value> [default: 50] Batch size for minting
--skip=<value> Number of mints to skip
Mints the NFTS in the mint-pfps.xlsx file.
Mints the NFTS in the mint-pfps.xlsx file.
$ nefty pfps mint ./pfps-folder
See code: src/commands/pfps/mint.ts
Generates a mosaic based on the generated pfps.
$ nefty pfps mosaic INPUT -q <value> [-i <value>] [--delay <value>] [-w <value>]
INPUT Directory where the pfps are saved.
-i, --include=<value>... Include specific dnas in the cover.
-q, --quantity=<value> (required) [default: 25] Number of images to use in the cover.
-w, --width=<value> [default: 1600] Expected final width of the mosaic.
--delay=<value> [default: 200] Delay in ms between each image in the cover.
Generates a mosaic based on the generated pfps.
Generates a mosaic with 25 pfps.
$ nefty pfps mosaic pfps -q 25
Generates a mosaic 25 pfps, forcing the use of dnas 0b1b...b5b and ff28...0c6b
$ nefty pfps mosaic pfps -q 25 -i 0b1b2e8ad9672bed621e8259894ea8152857d3dfcc15d6dcccebc98b618d8b5b \
See code: src/commands/pfps/mosaic.ts
Manages liquidity pools.
$ nefty swap
Manages liquidity pools.
See code: src/commands/swap/index.ts
Create new liquidity pools in taco swap.
$ nefty swap create-pools INPUT [-b <value>]
INPUT Excel file with the liquidity pools to open.
-b, --batchSize=<value> [default: 100] Transactions batch size
Create new liquidity pools in taco swap.
$ nefty swap create-pools test.xls
See code: src/commands/swap/create-pools.ts
Manages a collection's templates.
$ nefty templates
Manages a collection's templates.
See code: src/commands/templates/index.ts
Create templates in a collection by batches using a spreadsheet.
$ nefty templates create INPUT -c <value> [-b <value>]
INPUT Excel file with the assets to mint
-b, --batchSize=<value> [default: 100] Transactions batch size
-c, --collection=<value> (required) Collection name
Create templates in a collection by batches using a spreadsheet.
$ nefty templates create template.xls -c alpacaworlds
See code: src/commands/templates/create.ts
Exports the templates in a collection. Each schema will be a different sheet.
$ nefty templates export OUTPUT -c <value> [-s <value>]
OUTPUT Location where the file will be generated.
-c, --collection=<value> (required) Collection name to generate the file.
-s, --schema=<value> Schema to use to generate the file. If not provided, all schemas will be used.
Exports the templates in a collection. Each schema will be a different sheet.
Exports the templates for the collection alpacaworlds, schema thejourney and saves it in the current directory in a
file called templates.xlsx.
$ nefty templates export templates.xlsx -c alpacaworlds -s thejourney
Exports the templates for the collection alpacaworlds, all schemas and saves it in the current directory in a file
called templates.xlsx.
$ nefty templates export templates.xlsx -c alpacaworlds
See code: src/commands/templates/export.ts
Manages an account's tokens
$ nefty tokens
Manages an account's tokens
See code: src/commands/tokens/index.ts
Transfers tokens in batches using a spreadsheet.
$ nefty tokens transfer INPUT [-b <value>]
INPUT Excel file with the transfers to make.
-b, --batchSize=<value> [default: 100] Transactions batch size
Transfers tokens in batches using a spreadsheet.
$ nefty tokens transfer test.xls
See code: src/commands/tokens/transfer.ts