
Codes for ICKG 2020 paper "Improving Document-level Relation Extraction via Contextualizing Mention Representations and Weighting Mention Pairs"

Primary LanguagePython


This is the source code for ICKG 2020 paper "Improving Document-level Relation Extraction via Contextualizing Mention Representations and Weighting Mention Pairs"

We propose an effective Encoder-Attender-Aggregator (EncAttAgg) model for ducument-level RE. This model introduced two attenders to tackle two problems:

  1. We introduce a mutual attender layer to efficiently obtain the entity-pair-specific mention representations.
  2. We introduce an integration attender to weight mention pairs of a target entity pair. model_overview.png



  • Chemical-Disease Relations dataset (CDR) [1,2]. CDR consists of 1500 abstracts of PubMed, which is in the domain of biomedicine considering 2 entity types Chemical and Disease and one Chemical-Induced Disease relation type. It is split into three equally sized sets for training, development and testing.

  • DocRED [3]. DocRED is a large-scaled document-level dataset presented by Yao et al. for general purpose RE, which contains 5053 documents and is split into 3053, 1000 and 1000 for training, development and testing. The dataset contains 6 general entity types and 96 relation types.


data pre-processing

Refer to data pre-processing for more details.

train our model

# EncAttAgg model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --mode train --param_file configs/DocRED/DocRED_EncAttAgg.yaml --device gpu --gpu 0 --exp_id EncAttAgg-seed0
# EncAgg model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --mode train --param_file configs/DocRED/DocRED_EncAgg.yaml --device gpu --gpu 0 --exp_id EncAgg-seed0

evaluate on development set

# EncAttAgg model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --mode dev --param_file configs/DocRED/DocRED_EncAttAgg.yaml --device gpu --gpu 0 --exp_id EncAttAgg-seed0

test out model

# EncAttAgg model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --mode test --param_file configs/DocRED/DocRED_EncAttAgg.yaml --device gpu --gpu 0 --exp_id EncAttAgg-seed0 --input_theta ${input_theta}

Results and Hyper-parameters

Main results on DocRED/CDR and the corresponding hyper-parameters are shown below. Please refer to the paper for more details of the experiments.

  • Results main_results

  • Hyper-parameters hyperparams


  1. Wei, Chih-Hsuan and Peng, Yifan and Leaman, R. and Davis, Allan Peter and Mattingly, C.J. and Li, J. and Wiegers, T.C. and lu, Zhiyong. Overview of the BioCreative V chemical disease relation (CDR) task
  2. Li, Jiao and Sun, Yueping and Johnson, Robin J. and Sciaky, Daniela and Wei, Chih-Hsuan and Leaman, Robert and Davis, Allan Peter and Mattingly, Carolyn J. and Wiegers, Thomas C. and Lu, Zhiyong. BioCreative V CDR task corpus: a resource for chemical disease relation extraction
  3. Yao, Yuan and Ye, Deming and Li, Peng and Han, Xu and Lin, Yankai and Liu, Zhenghao and Liu, Zhiyuan and Huang, Lixin and Zhou, Jie and Sun, Maosong. DocRED: A Large-Scale Document-Level Relation Extraction Dataset.
  4. thunlp/DocRED
  5. patverga/bran
  6. wzhouad/ATLOP: long_seq.py
  7. allenai/allennlp: util.py
  8. PetrochukM/PyTorch-NLP: lock_dropout.py