
Plays TeslaCam videos with Left Center and Right in sync.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


TeslaCam Player

  • plays video clips insync with Left Front Right.
  • Standard video controls to play pause rewind fast foward next and prior clips


Local Installation

  • Download https://github.com/GigaJunky/TeslaCamPlayer/archive/master.zip and extract zip file to a place on your local hard drive or your TeslaCam FlashDrive.
  • Open TeslaCamPlayer.html with your browser (Tested with Chrome and Firefox).
  • Click on the Select Video Clips... Buton and select the folder
  • Click the Play button. You will see your Videos slit by Left, Front, Right and will stay insync. You can Pause, Fast Foward and Rewind, and Play the next and prior Clips. You can also select the Time by draging the slider (within the 60 secs clip)

BitJunky 2019