
This is a simple demo of working code that uses the pthreads library. Unlike the PARMACS-based code used in the ECE666 textbook, this code can be compiled and executed.

This repo contains three source files and a makefile.

  • seq-pi.c is the sequential version of the Monte Carlo method to estimate the value of π. The code is hardcoded to run 128M (where 1M = 1024x1024) trials.
  • pthreads-pi.c is the pthreads-based parallel version of seq-pi.c. It is functionally correct. No effort has been made to optimize its performance. It is hardcoded to use 8 threads.
  • pthreads-demo.c is a simple program to highlight the pthread_create and pthread_join functionalities. Each thread prints some basic thread-information to illustrate the parallel execution.

Each source file can be compiled with the DEBUG flag defined to (1) use repeatable random numbers, (2) use fewer threads and/or smaller problems, and (3) print additional diagnostic information.