A Redux reducer and higher-order component decorator for use with react-burger-menu
- 1
closing the menu won't fire redux action
#16 opened by minotaurrr - 5
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- 3
Multiple Menus not Working
#13 opened by cristiancs - 2
Is there any way to position right?
#14 opened by cristiancs - 6
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React 16 update
#11 opened by natalie-natsu - 1
#9 opened by benpetty - 2
Add an initialState
#6 opened by BentoumiTech - 4
immutable js support
#3 opened by mike623 - 5
Decorator was not found in 'redux-burger-menu'
#5 opened by edcolcode - 2
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Toggle and Set
#4 opened by mikecx - 1
Unexpected token import when I try to import reducer as burgerMenu in my reducer file
#1 opened by albertkimdev