IA-SPGEMM is a An Input Auto-tuning Sparse General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on Multicore and Manycore Architure. Currently supported components include:
- SpGEMM algorithms for COO, DIA and ELL sparse storage format
- Feature extraction and density representation
- MatNet (mix CNN and BP)
All tests default calculate the square of A for matrix inputs.
The tool extracts all of the features and density representation as MatNet inputs.
It is easy to use and provide unified interface.
In IA-SPGEMM system, the goal is to search an optimal format and algorithm that minimizes computing overhead.
Setting up an IA-SPGEMM is easy.
(1) run SpGEMM code on CPU with auto-tuning in double precision
cd ./IA-SPGEMM-CPU_release;
./spgemm-cpu Inputs/dia.mtx;
(2) run SpGEMM code on GPU with auto-tuning in double precision
cd ./IA-SPGEMM-GPU_release;
./spgemm-gpu Inputs/dia.mtx;
Intel & AMD CPU example
NVIDIA GPU example
- Intel MKL 2018
- CUSP v0.5.1
- cuSPARSE v8.0
- Python 3.6.2
- tensorflow 1.4.0
- keras 2.1.0
Details of the neural network
Weights are in IA-SPGEMM-CPU_release/NetWeights and IA-SPGEMM-GPU_release/NetWeights
MatNet structure is below: