
This is a C program group project.

Primary LanguageHTML

Game of Chances


Game of Chances is a fun quiz game developed in C as a class project. It runs in CLI and gives you and your friends little competetive platform to test General Knowledge.

Concepts learnt:

  • Fundamentals of Programming
  • Function callings
  • Header files and their uses
  • Linkage of multiple files
  • Basic sorting technique (Bubble sort)
  • Arrays
  • Structs
  • File Handling

Challenges we overcame:

  • Continuous Development and Integration
  • UI fixes
  • .txt file usage from secondary storage

Guide to install and run the project

GitHub Setup :

  • Fork the repository
  • Check the forked repository in your profile
  • Clone the project

Local Setup :

  • Create a folder and open it
  • For windows: Open git bash / For Linux: Open terminal and cd to that folder
  • Clone the repository from link :
    git clone https://github.com/SrijitaSarkar99/Game-of-chances-2.0.git
  • Compile the files and turn them into an executable file called run : gcc -o run main.c inputDet.c game.c fetchQues.c evaluate.c eliminateOne.c LeaderBoard.c
  • Now, run the executable file called run ./run

Guide to contribute :

  • Set original repo as your upstream remote : git remote add upstream https://github.com/SrijitaSarkar99/Game-of-chances-2.0.git
  • Pull updates from upstream : git pull upstream
  • Make changes locally and push it your forked copy of the project
  • Create a pull request in GitHub

Guide to use the project

  • Upon running you'll be shown a Menu and asked to enter the choice between "Start Game", "Leaderboard" and "Exit"
  • On "Start Game", you'll be asked to enter details of players and game begins.
  • Each player is asked to enter a solution to the given problem and elemination is done accordingly.
  • After each round score tally is shown.
  • The game ends when every player is eleminated and Leaderboard is shown.
  • On choosing "Leaderboard", data of past games is displayed.
  • "Exit" option ends the game.

Original Contributors :