
Email Campaign Manager is a Python-based web application built using the Django web framework. It allows you to manage subscribers, send email campaigns, and optimize the sending process using parallelization.

Primary LanguagePython

Email Campaign Manager

Email Campaign Manager is a Python-based web application built using the Django web framework. It allows you to manage subscribers, send email campaigns, and optimize the sending process using parallelization.


  • Add subscribers with email and first name.
  • Unsubscribe users by marking them as "inactive."
  • Use the Django Admin interface to manage subscribers and campaigns.
  • Send email campaigns with subjects, preview text, article URLs, HTML content, plain text content, and published dates.
  • Optimize sending time using parallelization (Celery).


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/email-campaign-manager.git
    cd email-campaign-manager
  2. Access the Django Admin Interface:

 Open a web browser and go to 


  • Add subscribers: Use the /campaign/add-subscriber/ API endpoint or the Django Admin interface.
  • Unsubscribe users: Use the /campaign/unsubscribe/<str:email>/ API endpoint.
  • Send campaigns: Use the /campaign/send-campaign/<int:campaign_id>/ API endpoint (with a dummy function for now).
  • Manage subscribers and campaigns through the Django Admin interface.