
Primary LanguagePython



  • Python 2.7
  • Networkx
  • Matplotlib

Input: The input has to be dimacs graph format. eg.

p edge 3 3
e 1 2
e 2 3
e 1 3


Initially, we need to generate a heuristic decomposition

python main.py -i <input file without extension> -o 3 -f <working folder> -p <working folder>

The decomposition along with the width will be saved in the working folder.

To run the local improvement we will need to run following command

python main.py -i  <input file without extension> -o 4 -f <working folder> -p <temp folder> -l <limit_on_size> -t <timeout_for_SAT_call> -m <radious for bfs>

The last three values are not mandatory.

Disclaimer: The code is not really in the best shape so if you have any question just drop a mail.