GraphPatientToXmlAndCSV is an API that takes FHIR Records and converts them to XML and XSV for every valid patient. It also generates few graphs on patient data.
- Clone the project into a folder.
- Ensure you have python and pip downloaded (
- Ensure you have FHIRWorks API or use ( to install FHIRworks api
- Use pip to install matplotlib 3.2.1
pip install matplotlib
- Use the package manager pip to install flask 1.1.1.
pip install flask
- Use the package manager pip to install Fhir-parser 0.1.5.
pip install FHIR-Parser
- Use the package manager pip to install requests 2.23.0.
pip install requests
- Run the FHIRWorks API in one terminal
dotnet run
- Run the in another terminal simultaneously
Three possible Get Requests; xml, graph, csv.
This gets all the observations of a patient with a given patient ID in a XML format. For example,for patient ID 'd9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401', the get request is
GET /api/xml/observations/?patientID=d9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401
Header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK, Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 05:53:05 GMT Status: 200 OK, Content-Type: text/xml, Content-Length: 64077
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
This contains observations for patient number d9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401
<Value1>Body Mass Index</Value1>
<?other observations from 1 to 75.................... ?>
<Value1>Tobacco smoking status NHIS</Value1>
This gets all the properties of a patient with a given patient ID in a XML format. For example, for patient ID 'd9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401', the get request is
GET /api/xml/properties/?patientID=d9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401
Header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK, Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 05:57:16 GMT Status: 200 OK, Content-Type: text/xml, Content-Length: 2840
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<city name="0">Blackstone</city>
<country name="0">US</country>
<full_address name="0">358 Oberbrunner Approach Apt 4Blackstone, Massachusetts, US</full_address>
<latitude name="0">42.05283200979602</latitude>
<lines name="0">['358 Oberbrunner Approach Apt 4']</lines>
<longitude name="0">-71.52523247435127</longitude>
<postal_code name="0"/>
<state name="0">Massachusetts</state>
<communication>[('en-US', 'English')]</communication>
<extensions name="Identifier: 1">us-core-race: White</extensions>
<extensions name="Identifier: 2">us-core-ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino</extensions>
<extensions name="Identifier: 3">patient-mothersMaidenName: Jeremy766 Gleichner915</extensions>
<extensions name="Identifier: 4">us-core-birthsex: M</extensions>
<extensions name="Identifier: 5">patient-birthPlace: Sharon, Massachusetts, US</extensions>
<extensions name="Identifier: 6">disability-adjusted-life-years: 0.016479540110564225</extensions>
<extensions name="Identifier: 7">quality-adjusted-life-years: 45.983520459889434</extensions>
<identifiers name="Identifier: 1"> d9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401</identifiers>
<identifiers name="Identifier: 2">Medical Record Number d9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401</identifiers>
<identifiers name="Identifier: 3">Social Security Number 999-67-4686</identifiers>
<identifiers name="Identifier: 4">Driver's License S99910651</identifiers>
<identifiers name="Identifier: 5">Passport Number X34975298X</identifiers>
<full_name>Mr. Abram53 Weissnat378</full_name>
<number name="0">555-560-7469</number>
<system name="0">phone</system>
<use name="0">home</use>
This creates a graph based on patient age groups of all patients, according to patient properties data.
GET /api/graph/age_groups?
Header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK, Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 17:23:26 GMT, Status: 200 OK, Content-Type: image/png, Content-Length: 13053
This creates a graph based on marital status of all patients, according to patient properties data.
GET /api/graph/marital_status?
Header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK, Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 05:39:46 GMT, Status: 200 OK, Content-Type: image/png, Content-Length: 10676
This creates a graph based on languages spoken by all patients, according to patient properties data.
GET /api/graph/languages_spoken?
Header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK, Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 05:44:20 GMT Status: 200 OK, Content-Type: image/png, Content-Length: 17696
This gets all the properties of a patient with a given patient ID in a CSV format. For example, for patient ID 'd9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401', the get request is
GET /api/csv/properties/?patientID=d9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401
Header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK, Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 06:18:00 GMT Status: 200 OK, Content-Type: text/xml, Content-Length: 1210 Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=result.csv
city,country,full_address,latitude,lines,longitude,postal_code,state,birth_date,codes,communication,languages,extensions0,extensions1,extensions2,extensions3,extensions4,extensions5,extensions6,gender,identifiers0,identifiers1,identifiers2,identifiers3,identifiers4,marital_status,multiple_birth,family,full_name,given,given_list,prefix,prefix_list,number,system,use,uuid,Blackstone,US,"358 Oberbrunner Approach Apt 4 Blackstone, Massachusetts
, US",42.05283200979602,['358 Oberbrunner Approach Apt 4'],-71.52523247435127,,Massachusetts,10/21/1973,['en-US'],"[('en-US', 'English')]",['English'],us-core-race: White,us-core-ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino,patient-mothersMaidenName: Jeremy766 Gleichner915,us-core-birthsex: M,"patient-birthPlace: Sharon, Massachusetts, US",disability-adjusted-life-years: 0.016479540110564225,quality-adjusted-life-years: 45.983520459889434,male, d9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401,Medical Record Number d9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401,Social Security Number 999-67-4686,Driver's License S99910651,Passport Number X34975298X,M,False,Weissnat378,Mr. Abram53 Weissnat378,Abram53,['Abram53'],Mr.,['Mr.'],555-560-7469,phone,home,d9eb4cf6-2894-4627-b912-bbdca07b0401
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.